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2019 National Design-Build Student Competition Regional Finalists Announced

design-build student competition

DBIA is pleased to announce the Regional Finalists in the 2019 Design-Build Student Competition. There are ten regional winners in this year’s competition, which asked teams to exhibit design-build best practices in their proposals to design and construct a Performing Arts Center on an American college campus. The Regional winners now move on to the second phase of the competition, responding to RFP deliverables.

Congratulations to the winning Regional teams:

PCH Group LLC (NewSchool of Architecture & Design)

Dynamic Builders (California Polytechnic State University – San Luis Obispo

Cal Construction (University of California, Berkeley)

Stradivarius Design-Build (University of Colorado Boulder)

Modern Construction (Washington State University)

Hawk Construction (Roger Williams University)

The Pruitt Group (Oklahoma State University)

Queen City Design-Build (University of Cincinnati)

Titan Design-Build (Iowa State University)

Tekton (Seminole State College of Florida)

The top three finalists in the competition’s second round will be announced later this month and invited to compete for the national championship before a live jury at the Design-Build Conference and Expo in Las Vegas on November 7, 2019.