
DBIA Honors Chobani’s Greek Yogurt Facility

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DBIA Honors Chobani’s Greek Yogurt Facility

Washington, D.C., Nov. 21, 2013

DBIA has named Chobani, Inc.’s, Greek Yogurt Facility as the 2013 Design-Build Project of the Year, DBIA’s top project award.

Located in Twin Falls, Idaho, the $450-million Chobani facility was successfully completed in less than a year through design-build project delivery. At nearly one million square feet, such a facility traditionally requires two years to complete. Per DBIA Best Practices, key construction personnel were involved in all design meetings on this project to keep design and construction as efficient as possible.

Sized to accommodate 14 production lines, 11 million pounds of milk per day and with infrastructure for future expansion, this facility is the largest yogurt plant in the world. The team effort peaked at 1,000 workers, six days a week, divided in two shifts to complete this project in record time. The project achieved more than two million hours without a lost time incident. The design-build team minimized truck traffic, limited and restricted access to segments of the plant and employee traffic patterns were all embedded in the design along with the highest level of control and automation system.

“This remarkable project for Chobani demonstrates the value of design-build project delivery,” says Lisa Washington, CAE, Executive Director/CEO, DBIA. “The benefits of design-build are manifested in the speed at which this project was completed and the quality of the final product. We could not be more proud to present this prestigious award to Chobani’s Twin Falls Greek Yogurt Facility as DBIA’s Design-Build Project of the Year.”

This project to construct the world’s largest yogurt facility allowed Chobani to meet market demand through design-build project delivery, ready to accommodate new products and packaging while reducing shipping costs to the western half of the United States. States.

The design-build project team includes: Owner: Chobani, Inc.; Design-Builder, General Contractor and Engineer: Shambaugh & Son, L.P.; Architect: MSKTD & Associates, Inc.; Specialty Contractor: Boccard Life Sciences; Civil/Architectural/Structural Subcontractor: Tippmann Group.