
DBIA Opposes Use of Lowest Price Technically Acceptable for Design-Build Services

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DBIA Opposes Use of Lowest Price Technically Acceptable for Design-Build Services

Washington, D.C., December 9, 2014

Premier Design-Build Organization Recommends Government Follow Two-Phase Design-Build Selection Procedure to Achieve Best Value

The Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA), the only organization that defines, teaches, and promotes best practices in design-build, has released a position statement opposing the use of lowest price technically acceptable (LPTA) in federal, state or municipal government contracting for design-build services.

Instead, DBIA recommends government entities follow the Two-Phase Design-Build Selection Procedure or qualifications-based source (QBS) source selection when technical solutions, quality, schedule, past performance and innovation are key components to achieving a project’s success. These processes allow contracting officers to appropriately balance cost with quality, technical competency and the past performance of a design-build team. Studies and experience have shown two-phase and QBS design-build offer the government the best opportunity to meet or exceed project goals and bring a project to completion on time and with little or no adversarial disputes, claims or litigation.

“LPTA is best suited for purchasing commodities or fairly simple services, but it is not an appropriate fit for procuring professional design-build services,” says Lisa Washington, CAE, Executive Director/CEO, DBIA. “When applied to design-build project delivery, the use of Two-Phase Selection or QBS is best suited to achieving successful outcomes.”

DBIA recommends all levels of government should cease using LPTA when contracting for design-build services, and instead fully embrace the procurement practices as defined by DBIA Design-Build Done Right to achieve best value.

To view a full copy of DBIA’s LPTA position paper, click here.


Established in 1993, the Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA) is the only organization that defines, teaches and promotes best practices in design-build project delivery. Design-build is an integrated approach that delivers design and construction services under one contract with a single point of responsibility. Owners select design-build to achieve best value while meeting schedule, cost and quality goals. Learn more about design-build and DBIA’s certification and other programs at www.dbia.org.