
Wolk honored for advancing efficient, cost-saving methods for delivering public projects

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Wolk honored for advancing efficient, cost-saving methods for delivering public projects

Senator recognized for work to enable use of best design and construction methods, such as design-build

by Andrew Ausel  |  January 28, 2016

The Design-Build Institute of America’s (DBIA) National and Western Pacific Region honored Senator Lois Wolk (D-Davis) January 27th for her work to advance practices that enable the state, counties, cities, and special districts to achieve the best outcomes for public projects.

“Senator Wolk was selected for her commitment to advance design-build, as well as her many other achievements,” said Lisa Washington, Executive Director/CEO of DBIA. The organization’s Western Pacific Region presented Wolk with the 2015 Distinguished Leadership Award for legislators at a ceremony at the State Capitol. “Her work throughout her time in the Legislature has enhanced California’s ability to provide superior outcomes for public projects.”

In a statement, Senator Wolk said, “Utilizing design-build helps complete projects on time and under budget, reduces complexity, and lowers exposure to litigation. I applaud DBIA’s work to provide design and construction professionals with education and training on this streamlined construction process, and thank them for this honor.”

Design-build is an integrated approach that delivers design and construction services under one contract with a single point of responsibility in order to achieve best value while meeting schedule, cost and quality goals. DBIA provides design-build education and training, as well as other support to those involved in the design and construction industry.

During her nearly 13 years serving in the Legislature Wolk has authored numerous laws on design-build and other design and construction issues, including:

SB 785 (2014)—Consolidated and conformed existing design-build authority for the state, counties, cities, and special districts into a comprehensive, workable framework to ensure that this project delivery method can be utilized to complete necessary infrastructure projects in a timely and cost-effective manner.

• AB 642 (2008)—Allowed all California cities to utilize the design-build project delivery method for the design and construction of public buildings and associated infrastructure with a cost of $1 million or more.

• AB 1329 (2005): Provided the cities in Solano and Yolo Counties, with city council approval, the option of utilizing the design-build process for the design and construction of public buildings.