
Just Some Ways to Engage with DBIA

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Just Some Ways to Engage with DBIA

Andrew Ausel  |  February 3, 2016

There are so many ways that we at DBIA engage our members and the public in order to promote Design-Build Done RightTM. Whether it’s through market research, outreach to regions, interactive webinars or legislative efforts, DBIA is devoted to effective communication and outreach. But with the industry constantly growing and design-build changing before our eyes, it has become increasingly important to allow the inverse interaction to occur. Having members and the public interact with us keeps our content relevant and our efforts sharp enough for the task at hand. So whether you are a member or just like learning about design-build and innovative project delivery, hopefully this post can help you to interact with us more!

LinkedIn Discussion Group

Among the areas where we like to hear what design and construction professionals are thinking, DBIA hosts a LinkedIn Discussion Group. You do not need to be a DBIA member to join the group, admission only requires that you be actively involved in the design and construction sectors. While we like to keep the discussion board supplied with design-build specific content, group members can post any relevant discussion for feedback from other group members. This board is not only edifying for its users, but for DBIA as we will often use these discussions to supplement our knowledge, and track important topics in the industry. Join the discussion today!

DBIA Committees

While the application cycle for the 2016 cycle is past the due date, DBIA is always actively seeking input and guidance from our committees. Our committees include: Legislative/Legal; Transportation; Water/Wastewater; Design Advisory Council; Education, Best Practices and Resources; Federal Markets; International Task Force; Membership/Regional Development; Project Measures & Success; Public Private Partnerships; University Outreach and Engagement; and Student Competition. These committees are comprised of members who have committed themselves to DBIA and its principles. Visit the committees section of DBIA’s website to learn the 2016-2018 committee chairs and staff liaisons.

Our committees are charged with the responsibility of developing and implementing strategies that drive their specific missions forward. In this way, some of our most devoted members are given a seat at the table to create resources such as our best practices, or choose the presentations for our conferences. Through these opportunities, mutually beneficial relationships are created that help us do our job more effectively and constantly question the status quo.


Our conferences, held at various times throughout the year, offer attendees valuable knowledge and an irreplaceable opportunity to engage DBIA and provide feedback to our organization. Whether it’s through a question asked during a breakout session or a one-on-one conversation, we take your comments seriously and incorporate them into our programming and outreach. We even set aside designated time during our conferences for discussion and feedback from owners. While our owner forums are set aside for owners only, these forums create fruitful conversations that help public and private owners support one another, and provide DBIA a better picture of the issues facing owners on a yearly basis. These are held during all of our conferences including Transportation, Water/Wastewater and the annual Design-Build Conference and Expo.


And if all else fails, just send us an email. You can interact with us at any time by emailing our general DBIA email address and we’ll get your request to the person who can help you. We mean it when we say we pride ourselves on great customer service, because we depend on customer feedback through the avenues mentioned and not mentioned. Let us know if you’d like to engage more.