
Register Before September 19 and Take Advantage of the Early Bird Registration Rates

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Register Before September 19 and Take Advantage of the Early Bird Registration Rates

September 9, 2016

Are you planning on joining DBIA this November 2-4 at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas for this year’s Design-Build Conference & Expo? If you register prior to September 19th you can take advantage of our early bird registration rate!

The Design-Build Conference & Expo goes beyond Design-Build Done Right™ by helping our attendees stay in touch with some of the most pressing issues facing us all. Among the topics to be addressed this year are:

  • “Procuring and Contracting for Design-Build Services,” including roll-out and discussion of DBIA’s new standard form of RFQ/RFP;
  • “Trends and Hot Topics in Project Delivery,” including in-depth discussion of the most appropriate role for owner representatives in design-build, a closer look at progressive design-build and public-private partnerships;
  • “Small Project Spotlights” sessions will focus on the effective use of design-build for more than just mega-projects; and
  • An overview of the current market trends and a look ahead at what the future holds — growth or decline — by market segment.

Attendees can earn up to 12 CEUs to be applied to their DBIATM Credential or renewal. In addition, for the first time, DBIA is providing two (2) CEUs to those attending the Awards Dinner on Thursday, November 3, celebrating people and projects in design-build. But act fast! Pricing for both the full conference and the Awards Dinner increases on September 20.

To register please click here. Online is the fastest way to complete your registration; however PDF documents are available for individuals to download and return to meetings@dbia.org.