
National Student Competition Deadline Nears

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National Student Competition Deadline Nears

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Entry Deadline EXTENDED!

As we get closer to our annual Design-Build Conference and Expo, we’ve already honored our National Project Merit Award winners but one more is up for grabs – the National Design-Build Student Competition. This competition provides young design-builders the opportunity to create a project as a team and present it to some of the industry’s leading professionals, earning national recognition in the process. The deadline for registering for this event has been extended to midnight, September 10th.

Student teams enter the competition on a regional level by responding to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ). RFQ responses are judged by a regional industry panel including architects, engineers, contractors and owners. Regional first-place winners move to the second phase of the competition and receive $1,500 in support of travel and expenses (including complimentary conference registration) to attend the 2017 Design-Build Conference & Expo in Philadelphia in November!

The first-place Regional winners will be issued the Request for Proposal (RFP) which will be evaluated by a National Judging panel. Based on the responses to the RFP, three teams will be short-listed to present their proposals to the National Judging panel at the 2017 Design-Build Conference & Expo in Philadelphia. The National first-place team from the three short-listed teams then receives their national award at the 2017 Conference.

This year’s National Design-build Student Competition project is a student health and wellness facility on a liberal arts college campus in the Northwestern United States. You can see more details on the project here.

DBIA’s student competition provides an unparalleled opportunity for students to meet leaders in the design-build industry. Students get to present their work in front of industry professionals, giving them a head start on their future career path.

Know a design-build student? Want to encourage our future design-build leaders to get a head start on their careers? Register your team at dbia.org before September 6!