
2017 National Design-Build Student Competition Regional Finalists Announced

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2017 National Design-Build Student Competition Regional Finalists Announced

Competition-Updated Photo

DBIA is proud to announce the nine Regional finalists in the 2017 National Design-Build Student Competition. This year, 29 teams from 26 universities entered the competition to demonstrate design-build best practices by proposing a delivery solution to design and construct a student health and wellness facility on a liberal arts college campus. The Regional winners will move on to the second phase of the competition, responding to RFP deliverables.

Congratulations to the winning Regional teams:

Iowa State University
Milwaukee School of Engineering
Roger Williams University
University of Arizona
University of Denver
University of Florida
University of Oklahoma
University of Southern California
Washington State University

The top three finalists will present before a live jury at the Design-Build Conference and Expo in Philadelphia on November 9, 2017.