
DBIA Education and Certification Mean Business

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DBIA Education and Certification Mean Business

DBIACertification (1)

This article also appears in Issue 3 of Integration Quarterly.

At DBIA, certification and education often go hand in hand. Becoming DBIA certified requires taking core courses and passing a comprehensive exam, and education is essential to any professional who wants to be in the know about the latest in design-build. We spoke with Managing Director of Education and Certification Valexia Hall to help us understand the value of both.

What is the relationship between certification and education?

DBIA’s core courses are the cornerstone of our educational program, and include Fundamentals of Project Delivery, Principles of Design-Build Project Delivery, Design-Build Contract and Risk Management and Post-Award Design-Build. These core courses are required education for those seeking DBIA certification. DBIA is committed to remaining at the forefront as the premier deliverer of high-quality design-build education. We work closely with industry experts to continually refine and improve our objectives-based instructional material.

What is continuing education, and why is it important?

Continuing education helps those who hold the Designated Design-Build Professional™ credential remain current on industry trends and on new developments in design-build and integrated delivery methods.

What are the benefits of certification? Why is having ‘DBIA’ by your name important?

The Designated Design-Build Professional™ certification program is the premier credential for design-build professionals. Through a combination of education, experience and testing, the program sets a recognized standard for design-build knowledge and expertise. Certification provides the only measurable standard by which to judge knowledge of Design-Build Done Right™. The credential identifies you as a professional in design-build project delivery, and firms with DBIA-certified professionals stand out to Owners looking for qualified design-build team members because the credential demonstrates commitment to the design-build best practices.

What types of DBIA Certification are there?

DBIA offers two types of certification: Design-Build Professional (DBIA™) and Associate Design-Build Professional (Assoc. DBIA™). Attaining the DBIA™ requires between two and six years of hands-on field experience. These credential holders come from traditional design and construction background and are generally architects, engineers or construction professionals (AEC) from the private or public sector. Some attorneys and academic practitioners who specialize in design and construction generally, and design-build specifically, may also be able to fulfill the DBIA™ requirements.

The Assoc. DBIA™, on the other hand, does not require field experience. This credential is geared toward three types of individuals: (1) pre-award professionals focusing on critical aspects of the design-build process, such as business development and acquisition/procurement; (2) seasoned professionals new to design-build project delivery, but not new to the design and construction industry; and (3) emerging professionals, such as recent college graduates with relevant educational background in the AEC industry.

You can find more information about Certification and Education at www.dbia.org.