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Design-Builders Take Certification Beta Courses and Exam

Design-builders take updated DBIA Certification Coursework and Exam in Washington, D.C.
They came to Washington, D.C. to take advantage of a unique opportunity…they’re the first class to take DBIA’s updated Certification Workshop curriculum and Exam. 35 design-build Owners and practitioners signed up as beta testers and took the new 3-day certification curriculum followed by the updated exam.

“With design-build now accounting for nearly half of all design and construction, more Owners are increasingly encouraging teams to have DBIA™ certified professionals in their solicitations. That means the number of individuals seeking certification, among both Owners and practitioners, has grown exponentially. DBIA wants to be sure we’ve educated and trained the industry to deliver successful projects using Design-Build Done Right.”  Lisa Washington, DBIA Executive Director/CEO

The new certification coursework and exam will ensure the growing number DBIA professionals are well-versed in Design-Build Done Right™ principles reflecting the full scope of professional practice in design-build. The number of certified design-builders continues to grow each year, with a record class in 2017 and nearly 3,800 certified individuals to date.

“Among our primary goals is educating the industry. I know first-hand that one of the biggest impediments to the use of design-build is the lack of knowledge about design-build best practices and basically not understanding how to do it right. ” Rich Benton, DBIA Certification Workshop Educator

This certification session was a win-win for attendees and DBIA. Students received a 50% discount on the cost of the coursework while the beta results will allow DBIA to help us ensure the new coursework reflects the full scope of design-build practice and that the examination is defensible, psychometrically valid and fair.

Updated Certification coursework materials will be released in September 2018.  Go to DBIA’s certification page for more information.