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Remembering Jacob Williams

When a great man dies, for years the light he leaves behind him lies on the paths of men. 

 …Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 

DBIA and the design-build community mourns the loss of one of our nation’s most passionate design-build advocates. As the Assistant Director of LA County’s DPW, Jacob Williams has left an incredible legacy in pioneering design-build project delivery. LA County was the first major public agency in southern California to champion integrated project delivery and Jacob led that effort with enthusiasm and passion.  Jacob also served on the DBIA National and Western Pacific Region board of directors. He died August 30th after a year-long battle with cancer.

Former DBIA Board Chair Praful Kulkarni echoes the feelings of many when he says, “We will miss Jacob’s uplifting spirit, his humanity, futuristic approach and most importantly his infectious smile and humility.” Jacob’s design-build legacy lives on in the many projects and teams he’s led over many years.

DBIA’s Western Pacific Region will remember Jacob at an October 3rd commemoration event.