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DBIA’s Newest Resource – the Design-Build Data Sourcebook

Need help telling the design-build success story? DBIA has compiled the nation’s most recent design-build research into one easy to use (and share) resource – the Design-Build Data Sourcebook.

Design-Build Data Sourcebook

Using data from the 2018 FMI Market research and the 2018 CII/Pankow performance research, DBIA has created an engaging and easy to use online resource. Compiled using the latest statistics and the most up-to-date data, the Sourcebook is a great tool to use when promoting the success of design-build project delivery.

Design-Build Data Sourcebook

The Sourcebook breaks down the important design-build trends into graphics that can be shared with your contacts online or downloaded into a PDF report. Whether you’re using this resource for data or analysis, the Sourcebook is a one-stop shop for the latest design-build facts and figures.

Research projects 18% growth in design-build by 2021. It’s easy to see why when you look at the many benefits design-build delivers – and you can find more information on these benefits in the Design-Build Data Sourcebook.