
A Conversation with Peter Kinsley

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A Conversation with Peter Kinsley

Issue 4 of 2014


DBIA’s 2015 National Board Chair Talks Priorities and Challenges for the Coming Year

Tell us more about your role at Haskell and what you can bring to your role as Board Chair?

As Group President, I lead Haskell’s Government and Public Services practice. This privilege provides me the opportunity to lead design-build teams on significant projects in varying markets with varying client types, both in the public and private sectors. I will leverage this experience to ensure that DBIA continues to serve its broad membership base and give consideration to the unique aspects of each diverse market sector DBIA represents.

What are your three top priorities for 2015 to help advance DBIA, the A/E/C industry and design-build project delivery?

As both public and private owners develop strategies to execute their capital programs more effectively, design-build continues to grow in use due to the inherent benefits of the project delivery method. As our country continues to recover from the economic downturn, and the A/E/C industry responds positively, it is critical that DBIA remain the leader in the development and dissemination of best practices in Design-Build Done Right™ through our collateral materials and through our education offerings.

In addition to this important work, my top priorities as DBIA 2015 National Board Chair include the continuation of DBIA’s focus in the following areas of importance:

  1. Owner Participation — advance owner participation in DBIA and their reliance on the organization and design-build project delivery.
  2. A/E Engagement — increase designer engagement with DBIA and their preference for design-build project delivery.
  3. Education — expand DBIA’s education program to include market-sector-specific training.

What new initiatives are you focused on this year?

While there will be a number of new initiatives from DBIA in 2015, one area of focus that will have a significant and positive impact on the A/E/C industry is Design-Build Done Right tailored to specific market sectors that will include written collateral and education offerings.

In addition, 2015 will include an initiative focused on defining the role of the owner’s representative in design-build. We know the benefits of design-build are maximized when a team is working in complete partnership, and this includes the owner’s representative. DBIA will identify best practices for creating a complete and fully integrated team that includes all project participants.

Where would you like to see DBIA by the end of 2015? In five years?

By the end of 2015 and beyond, DBIA will remain the nationally recognized “go to” organization for design-build. DBIA will continue to remain fiscally strong with growing membership and revenues and impact the A/E/C industry in meaningful ways, as confirmed by the steady growth in design-build usage across all market sectors. DBIA conferences will continue to grow in size, quality of content and owner participation. The education program offerings will be expanded to include training specific to individual market sectors.

What new areas do you plan to explore to enhance DBIA member value?

To enhance the value of membership, DBIA will recognize and respond to emerging issues (such as public-private partnerships), drive information and support to the DBIA Regions and continue legislative activity on the federal and state levels in order to create and expand authorization.

What are your personal leadership goals this year?

The DBIA National Board is composed of a diverse group of industry professionals reflecting all members of the A/E/C industry. These individuals are recognized design-build thought leaders in their respective market sectors. Working with Lisa Washington and her exemplary staff, it is my goal to create a working environment that is highly collaborative and encourages open communication to maximize the effectiveness and contribution of the Board. Simply put, as Board Chair I will strive to ensure all Board members have a voice that is heard in order to gain understanding of the perspective of each industry participant and market represented.


Peter M. Kinsley, DBIA, is President of Haskell’s Government and Public Services Group and serves as DBIA’s 2015 National Board chair.