
Meet DBIA’s Board of Directors and National Certification Board

DBIA National Board of Directors

Board of Directors
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DBIA Certification Board

Certification Board
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DBIA Committees

Education Committee

Committee Chair:
Barbara Jackson, Ph.D, FDBIA
University of Denver

Staff Liaison:
Mihisha Henderson, Director of Education


Determine the educational needs of the current and prospective member and guide the development of resources and delivery channels to address those needs.

  • Assess gaps in education and recommend ways to fill identified gaps.
  • Develop an expanded body of knowledge via new tools, resources and data including updates and addition to the Manual of Practice, position statements and course catalog.
  • Elevate awareness of design excellence in design-build, and determine products, services and tools to equip Owners to effectively communicate design excellence goals.
  • Determine methods by which DBIA education can be expanded within the college/university settings.
  • Identify ways to more fully engage academia in the activities of DBIA (e.g. conferences, articles, research, etc.).
  • Contribute to the setting of priority topics prior to the issuance of the “Call for Presentations” for DBIA conferences.
  • Help determine appropriate strategic alliances for delivery of design-build education.

Membership Committee

Committee Chair:
Jamie Athenour, DBIA, LEED AP
Hensel Phelps

Staff Liaison:
Salvador Chairez, CAE, Director, Membership Development

Provide strategic guidance to aid in the recruitment, retention and growth of actively engaged members at the Chapter, Region and National levels. This is done with the vision of providing DBIA members with the requisite knowledge, values and services to elevate the value and understanding of design-build.

  • Review/assess member demographic data and track progress towards increased engagement of target markets.
  • Determine strategies to reach untapped (or under-represented) markets.
  • Assess value proposition of membership and make recommendations for enhancements to products, services, tools and resources.
  • Continually assess Region performance as it relates to programs, marketing/outreach initiatives and owner engagement, and develop strategies to enhance Region performance.
  • Identify and catalog best practices in Region management.

Board Development Committee

Committee Chair:
Barbara Wagner, DBIA*
Clark Construction

(*Chair for 2020 Only)

Staff Liaison:
Lisa Washington, CAE, Executive Director/CEO

The Board Development Committee is an Advisory Committee consisting of seven (7) DBIA voting members.  The members of the Board Development Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Committee, and the appointments shall be approved by the Board of Directors.  The Board Development Committee shall identify qualified individuals for membership on the Board of Directors and recommend to the Nominating Committee the director nominees for consideration at the next Annual Meeting of the membership.

Annual Conference Planning Committee

Committee Chair:
Dana Pomeroy, AIA LEED AP, DBIA
Whiting-Turner Contracting Company

Maricela Cordova Garcia, Assoc. AIA, DBIA, LEED GA, ENV SP
Montgomery County (MD) DOT

Staff Liaison:
Valexia “Lexie” Hall, Vice President of Certification and Industry Events

Plan and deliver a well‐balanced conference program, including an agenda of general and concurrent educational sessions and networking events.

  • Lead development of a credible, relevant, and cutting-edge program.
  • Solicit, review, and select presentations.
  • Ensure valuable networking opportunities.
  • Understand and manage the needs of both attendees and exhibitors.
  • Identify potential alliances and partnerships to help expand awareness of the conferences.
  • Develop strategies to engage Owners and industry from the host city.
  • Recommend changes/innovations to enhance the conference program (within the scope of budget and space restrictions).


Contracts Committee

Committee Chair:
Scott Churilla, DBIA
The Haskell Company

Staff Liaison:
Louis Jenny, Vice President, Advocacy and Outreach

Monitor developments in the design-build contracting arena and in that context, assure that DBIA offers a complete and up-to-date family of contract documents and forms consistent with Best Practices.  Specific goals include:

  • Oversee the process for the review and update of DBIA contracts (2010 versions) to ensure that DBIA form documents are a fair basis for successful projects and reflect the latest industry best practices.
  • Identify gaps and assess development of new contracts and forms as the committee determines necessary; draft such documents, solicit appropriate industry input and feedback, and submit to the DBIA National Board for review and approval.
  • Develop educational products, such as comparison matrices (to other industry forms), Manual of Practice chapters, webinars, articles, conference sessions, in support of contract documents.
  • Assist in developing strategies to market new and updated committee products.

Federal Markets Committee

Committee Chair:
Jim Whitaker, AIA, DBIA
HKS, Inc

Staff Liaison:
Louis Jenny, Vice President, Advocacy and Outreach

Continually assesses project delivery practices, challenges and opportunities in the Federal sector to help ensure success in project delivery for Federal Owners and industry practitioners, with a focus on expanding the use and understanding of Design-Build Done Right®.

  • Collaborate with other industry organizations on key Federal issues that impact design-build to collectively facilitate positive change.
  • Assess and continually update best practices specific to the Federal sector.
  • Recommend relevant content for education courses and conferences, and assist in development, as appropriate.
  • Oversee implementation of Federal-specific activities including DBIA’s one-day Federal Sector Education event.
  • Lead development of tools/resources to assist Federal Owners in effective execution of design-build.
  • Monitor legislative/regulatory obstacles and propose solutions.

Legislative Committee

Committee Chair:
Raquel Ibarra, PE, DBIA
Ibarra Consulting Engineers

Staff Liaison:
Richard Thomas, Director, State/Local Legislative Affairs
Bryan Walsh, Manager, State & Local Legislative Affairs


Monitor significant developments in the design-build arena, including how statutes and case law are evolving and impacting the successful execution of design-build project delivery.

  • Develop and monitor strategies to expand and/or maintain legislative authority in all jurisdictions for design-build, best value selection (BVS), and qualifications-based selection (QBS); Progressive Design-Build (PDB) and public-private partnerships (P3).
  • Oversee development of legislative tool kits to be used by regions and local leaders in drafting and advocating for design-build legislation.
  • Be a resource for the drafting of legislative language, comments or testimony on pending legislation.
  • Make recommendations to the DBIA National Board of Directors as it relates to issues on which the Institute should consider a formal position, including the decisions to file amicus briefs.

Owner Advisor Committee

Committee Chair:
Peter Kinsley, DBIA

Staff Liaison:
Lisa Washington, Executive Director/CEO

Identify best practices and develop industry standards for the required skillset of an effective Owner Advisor and to utilize this information to develop guidelines, training and other strategies for industry-wide dissemination and use by Owners and Owner Advisors in design-build.

  • Develop consistent terminology to clearly communicate the range of consulting services available to Owners.
  • In collaboration with the Contracts Committee, review DBIA’s existing Standard Form of Agreement to ensure suitability for use between an Owner and an Owner Advisor.
  • Develop an Owner checklist to assist in identifying and prioritizing needs in order for an Owner to determine if they require a consultant and assuming so, for their use in the selection of the consultant.
  • In collaboration with the Education Committee, produce specialized resources and education for Owner Advisor.
  • Analyze the feasibility, pros and cons of a specialty certification for Owner Advisors.

Work with other organizations, as appropriate (i.e., CMAA) to advance a consistent understanding of the role of Owner Advisors.

Public-Private Partnership Committee

Committee Chair:
Steven Dewitt, P.E.
ACS Infrastructure Development, Inc.

Staff Liaison:
Louis Jenny

The primary charge of the Pubic-Private Partnerships (P3) Committee is to educate DBIA members and future members, public Owners, policymakers and the broader public regarding, public-private partnerships and promote Design-Build Done Right® as an integral component of the delivery model. The P3 Committee will consult and coordinate with DBIA leadership and committees to help shape and educate regarding P3 best practices across all market sectors, and to continue to position DBIA as the Design-Build Authority. To this end, the committee will:

  • Develop and provide P3 guidelines as related to design-build delivery, best practices, project success examples to DBIA stakeholders, including linkages to other organizations with existing information.
  • Develop P3 training as part of the DBIA catalog of offerings.
  • Consider ways to build on the growth of the use of P3 as a target market of growth for DBIA via new members, conference sales, and training courses.
  • Ensure educational tracks on international practice, contract documents and marketing opportunities, exist at DBIA conferences.
  • Evaluate and document international practices that could serve to enhance domestic design-build.

Transportation & Aviation Markets Committee

Committee Chair:
Jim Avitabile, PE, DBIA

Staff Liaison:
Richard Thomas, Director, State/Local Legislative Affairs


Continually assesses project delivery practices, challenges and opportunities in the Transportation and Aviation sectors to help ensure success in project delivery, with a focus on expanding the use and understanding of Design-Build Done Right®.

  • Collaborate with other industry organizations on key Transportation and/or Aviation issues that impact design-build to collectively facilitate positive change.
  • Assess and continually update best practices specific to the Transportation and Aviation sectors.
  • Recommend relevant content for education courses and conferences, and assist in development, as appropriate.
  • Oversee implementation of Transportation- and Aviation-specific activities and events, including serving as the planning committee for the Design-Build in Transportation (and Aviation) Conference.
  • See “Annual Conference Planning Committee” guidelines for conference planning role.
  • Lead development of tools/resources to assist Owners in effective execution of design-build.

Monitor legislative/regulatory obstacles and propose solutions.

Water/Wastewater Markets Committee

Committee Chair:
John Giachino, DBIA
PC Construction

Staff Liaison:
Lisa Washington, Executive Director/CEO


Continually assesses project delivery practices, challenges and opportunities in the Water/Wastewater sector to help ensure success in project delivery, with a focus on expanding the use and understanding of Design-Build Done Right®.

  • Collaborate with other industry organizations on key water and wastewater issues that impact design-build to collectively facilitate positive change.
  • Assess and continually update best practices specific to the Water and Wastewater sectors.
  • Recommend relevant content for education courses and conferences, and assist in development, as appropriate.
  • Oversee implementation of Water/Wastewater-specific activities and events, including serving as the planning committee for the Design-Build for Water/Wastewater Conference.
  • See “Annual Conference Planning Committee” guidelines for conference planning role.
  • Lead development of tools/resources to assist Owners in effective execution of design-build.
  • Monitor legislative/regulatory obstacles and propose solutions.