Building resources are, and always have been, limited. Design-build’s inherent collaboration and innovation help ensure sustainability and project resiliency are vital goals for design-build teams.
DBIA believes Lowest Price Technically Acceptable (LPTA) does not provide best value to the government or the taxpayer. Technical solutions, quality, schedule, past performance and innovation should be the key value components governments use to determine who will deliver services to communities.
Design excellence is integral to all successfully executed projects and is not the exclusive domain of any one contractual relationship or delivery system. In fact, design-build has delivered design excellence on some of the most high-profile projects in the nation.
DBIA believes that cost/price evaluations should not dominate the owner’s best value process when selecting a design-builder. While cost/price can play a role in the selection process, prioritizing technical, design, management, past performance and other non-cost/price qualitative factors maximizes the likelihood of project success.
Owners who choose their design-builders based largely on qualifications reap substantial benefits — such as increased teamwork, proactive behavior and collaboration — that help achieve project success.
Successful design-build entities — however organized — structure the design-build team as early in the process as possible and encourage collaboration within the design-build team as well as full and open communication between the design-build team and the owner.
DBIA supports the use of stipends to help cover a portion of the design-build proposal costs and provide an effective financial incentive to increase competition.
Although both the design-build single-entity model and the Integrated Project Delivery multi-party model have features in common, including the goal to achieve effective integration, there can be substantial differences between these systems.
DBIA supports public-private partnerships as a potentially effective and efficient method to help address our nation’s infrastructure financing and delivery challenges. To be executed properly, a key component of a successful P3 is the implementation of design-build best practices as defined by DBIA, collectively referred to as Design-Build Done Right®.