Design-Build Webinars

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Design-Build Webinars

Design-Build Procurement Webinars Series

October 2019 - April 2020
With the Institute for Public Procurement
The Institute of Public Procurement

Thursday, March 12, 2020, 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm EST

Transportation Sector Design-Build Best Practices

The transportation sector has many unique features that are central to the consideration of best practices in the procurement, contracting and execution of any design-build project. This webinar will review and discuss the modifications to the universal implementing techniques as well as new techniques, all of which are intended to address the real-world attributes of projects in the transportation sector.


DBIA Member: $50
NIGP Member: $50 (Contact NIGP for discount code)
Non-member: $75


Thursday, April 2, 2020, 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm EST

Water/Wastewater Design-Build Best Practices

The Water/Wastewater sector has many unique features that are central to the consideration of best practices in the procurement, contracting and execution of any design-build project. This webinar will review and discuss the combination of Universal Best Practices with water/wastewater best practices and implementing techniques, which is the basis for Design-Build Done Right® in the water/wastewater sector. It will also highlight unique characteristics of water/wastewater Owners, projects, procurement and the design-build team structure.


DBIA Member: $50
NIGP Member: $50 (Contact NIGP for discount code)
Non-member: $75


Watch our webinar recordings of previous events.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Executing the Delivery of Design-Build Projects

Once the Design-Build Contract/s are awarded the team must begin work and deliver the project. This webinar will continue presenting Design-Build Done Right® by reviewing and discussing the four (4) Universally Applicable Best Practices and seventeen (17) Implementing Techniques (mini Best Practices) in the Executing the Delivery of Design-Build Projects category.


DBIA Member: $50
NIGP Member: $50 (Contact NIGP for discount code)
Non-member: $75

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Federal Sector Design-Build Best Practices

It’s vital to understand the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), and what it allows and/or precludes, to deliver a successful design-build project in the federal sector. Most agencies further supplement the FAR with agency-specific policies and procedures tailored to their specific mission. Many State and Local public owners have procurement policies that are similar to the federal regulations or must follow federal guidelines related to use of federal funds for projects. This webinar will review and discuss how the Federal Sector guide helps teams navigate federal project delivery and define the commonalities between the Design-Build Done Right® best practices and techniques, and the FAR.


DBIA Member: $50
NIGP Member: $50 (Contact NIGP for discount code)
Non-member: $75

Thursday, November 14

Design-Build Done Right® – Contracting for Design-Build Services

The use of fair and clear contracts is fundamental to any delivery process. Because there are some important differences between design-build contracts and those for other delivery systems, it is particularly important for the individuals who administer the design-build procurement and contract execution to understand the contract’s language and its practical application. The construction industry currently tends to focus on the contract between the owner and design-builder. For design-build to succeed, however, the principles must also be incorporated into the contracts of those subconsultants, subcontractors and major suppliers working within the design-build team. This presentation will be a follow-on to the procuring phase and focus on the effort to structure contracts and contractor involvement in a fair and collaborative manner at the prime and sub-contract levels. It will discuss/review:

  • Recap of the meaning of Design-Build Done Right® and the Development of Universal Best Practices
  • In depth discussion of the 3 DBIA Universal Best Practices and the 18 associated Implementing Techniques related to Contracting for Design-Build Services and considerations during formation of contract terms and conditions for Design-Build Services


Thursday, October 31

Design-Build Done Right® – Procuring Design-Build Services

An owner’s choices of project delivery system and procurement approach strongly influence project results. These choices are among the first decisions an owner makes on a project, and they form the foundation for how the project will be developed, procured and executed, and how the key project stakeholders communicate and relate to each other. In making these choices, it is critical for an owner to consider the circumstances of each project, including the procurement options available to the owner. This presentation will begin from the standpoint that the owner organization’s acquisition planning effort has determined that Design-Build project delivery is the method to be used to obtain the design & construction services required for the identified project. It will discuss/review:

  • Recap of “What is Design-Build?
  • The meaning of Design-Build Done Right® and the Development of Universal Best Practices
  • In depth discussion of the 3 DBIA Universal Best Practices and the 24 associated Implementing Techniques related to Procuring Design-Build Services during the procurement phase


Thursday, October 17

Choosing a Project Delivery Method, & What is Design-Build?

This presentation will begin from the standpoint that the owner organization has identified a requirement/need for design and construction services. From the DBIA perspective It will discuss:

  • What an owner (public or private) should consider in the development of their acquisition plan and defining their acquisition strategy for procurement/project delivery
  • The various project delivery structures and their differences that influence contract formation and contract administration
  • An overview of the history of design-build and the re-emergence and current impact design-build is having on the design & construction marketplace
  • Why design-build is a different more collaborative process that can substantially improve the likelihood of successful project/contract outcomes for the owner organization


Introduction to P3 for Design-Build Practitioners

Thursday, November 21, 2019

An introduction to P3 Project Delivery, Procurement, Execution and Risk, with a keen focus on key differences and similarities between DB and P3 projects and pursuits, and mitigations for common issues and concerns.

  1. Rudimentary understanding of history of P3 projects in North America
  2. Current types of P3 contracts used in North American construction projects
  3. Key similarities and differences between P3 and DB projects, and how these relate to DBIA Best Practices
  4. The roles and responsibilities of the DB practitioner in a P3 structure (Owner, Contractor, Designer, Operator, Subcontractor, Legal)

There is no cost to attend this webinar.


Leadership Matters

Wednesday, January 31, 1:30pm–3:00pm EST

Presenter: Barbara J. Jackson, PhD, DBIA

Price: $50 for members and $75 for non-members

CEUs: 1.5

In the design and construction industry, we have primarily focused on management as the predominant skill set needed for success. However, the old model of simply “planning the work and working the plan” is no longer all that is needed to succeed in our business. As an industry we need to shift from being order takers to being value generators, and that requires far more than management skills. What is missing and needed is a new kind of leadership, capable of influencing and inspiring real change to impact the cultural traditions and behaviors that have hindered our industry and stifled real innovation for far too long.

  • You will distinguish between management and leadership and learn why leadership matters most, especially today
  • You will learn the five practices of exemplary leadership and why they make a difference
  • You will learn what people look for in their leaders and how to develop those attributes in yourself
  • You will learn how to establish credibility as a leader at every level, no matter what your current rank or position

The Power of Communication: The Leadership Matters Series

Presenter: Barbara J. Jackson, PhD, DBIA

Price: $50 for members and $75 for non-members

CEUs: 1.5

Leadership is essentially a linguistic phenomenon. Therefore, communication is the single most powerful tool that you have at your disposal when it comes to leading effectively. In this session, we will explore the various distinctions of communication from three perspectives:

  1. The human perspective or what gets in the way of people communicating in the first place
  2. The technical perspective which deals with the fundamental skills of talking and listening
  3. The spiritual perspective which considers the purposeful and authentic intentions behind our communications
  • You will recognize that there is common human phenomenon that impact our ability to communicate effectively
  • You will learn that there is a distinct design to effective communication that can be learned and accessed to increase your leadership effectiveness
  • You will learn how to effectively listen and speak to gain credibility and get things done
  • You will learn how to influence the reliability of the promises and commitments that others make to you, and that you make to others

Nuts and Bolts of Progressive Design-Build Part 1 — The Procurement

Presenter: Robynne Thaxton Parkinson, JD, DBIA

Price: $50 for members and $75 for non-members

CEUs: 1.5

Progressive design-build is one of the newest and least understood forms of design-build. In the first of this three part series, Robynne will provide an explanation of progressive design-build as well as its various forms. She will also discuss the owner’s considerations in the determination regarding whether to use progressive design-build as well as helpful procurement tools that help the owner select the right design-build team for the project. Participants in this webinar will learn the following:

  • What progressive design-build means
  • The reasons an owner may want to use progressive design-build as well as the reasons an owner may not want to use it
  • How an owner can manage its risk for a progressive design-build project through the procurement
  • How design-builders can improve their proposals in response to a progressive design-build RFP

Inspiring Leadership: The Leadership Matters Series

Presenter: Barbara J. Jackson, PhD, DBIA

Price: $50 for members and $75 for non-members

CEUs: 1.5

Before you can move minds, you have to be able to move hearts. This is quite counter to the traditional “command and control” style of leadership that our industry is known for. But “command and control” hasn’t worked for quite some time. Instead, what is called for, but often missing in leadership, is the ability to inspire, motivate, and energize people every day. It is inspiration and motivation that can moves hearts, and ultimately, move minds, to achieve your organizational goals. In this session, we will focus on how you can intentionally improve the inspirational effect that you have on people and the difference that makes in their performance and commitment. We will explore how inspiration and leadership are interconnected and consider how genuine conversations galvanize people to achieve more than they thought possible.

  • You will learn how to get past your own ego and develop the gift of attention to inspire and support the people around you
  • You will learn how to show up authentic and real and gain the confidence of others that you are “for” them
  • You will learn how to blend logic and emotion, and show conviction through your presence
  • You will learn how to be intentional in all that you do to the point that few will doubt your ability to achieve your goals

Leadership Presence: The Leadership Matters Series

Presenter: Barbara J. Jackson, PhD, DBIA

Price: $50 for members and $75 for non-members

CEUs: 1.5

Most people think that presence is something you are just born with. Not true. Presence is actually a set of skills both internal and external that virtually anyone can develop and improve. Presence impacts how you show up, how you connect and how you speak. However, it’s not easy to make these improvements. It requires giving up some bad habits and changing some behaviors. But the investment is worth it if you want to build trust and credibility and strengthen your relationships to enhance collaboration. Bottom line, developing presence will make you a more effective leader.

  • You will understand that having presence is more than just capturing the attention of others
  • You will discover how to be in the moment and learn some techniques on how to handle the unexpected
  • You will understand how to build relationships with others through listening and authentic connection
  • You will learn how to align every means of expression to communicate a clear, compelling message that will influence others

Nuts and Bolts of Progressive Design-Build Part 2 — The Contract

Presenter: Robynne Thaxton Parkinson, JD, DBIA

Price: $50 for members and $75 for non-members

CEUs: 1.5

Progressive design-build is one of the newest and least understood forms of design-build. In the second of this three part series, Robynne will discuss the structure of the progressive design-build contract and how it differs from other types of design-build contracts. Robynne will also review the different risks and obligations for both owners and design-builders in the progressive design-build contract. Participants in this webinar will learn the following:

  • The various structures that can be used in progressive design-build and the considerations in the use of the contract structures
  • Strategies in managing risk in progressive design-build and creating a balanced risk structure that benefits all parties as well as the project
  • The importance of communication between the parties and contract provisions that encourage rather than discourage communication
  • What happens if the parties cannot reach commercial agreement

The Risky Business of Right of Way: What Is It Costing You?

Presenter: Shannon Sweitzer, P.E., DBIA

Price: $50 for members and $75 for non-members

CEUs: 1.5

This presentation will discuss Right of Way Acquisition for design build projects, including aligning project schedule and cost risk. The presentation will highlight a number of variables that impact Right of Way acquisition decisions and costs. Some brief case studies and lessons learned will also be shared.

  • What are some project variables that impact decisions related to Right of Way Acquisition?
  • How do I align my project provisions to reduce right of way costs?
  • How do I align my project provisions to reduce right of way schedule?
  • What are some techniques that facilitate successful right of way acquisition?

The Power of Storytelling: The Leadership Matters Series

Presenter: Barbara J. Jackson, PhD, DBIA

Price: $50 for members and $75 for non-members

CEUs: 1.5

Whether trying to influence the marketplace and your clients or impact the culture of your organization, storytelling is actually one of the most effective tools to drive change. Great leaders are able to tell great stories. Getting people on board with your ideas and solutions doesn’t happen by chance. Having great ideas isn’t enough if all you can convey about them are the facts, figures and good logic that support them. In this session, we will discuss how to frame your intentions and ideas in such a way that they educate, inform, motivate and inspire to achieve the results that you are seeking.

  • You will understand why storytelling is a critical factor in becoming an effective leader and how anyone can improve their storytelling ability.
  • You will discover that the human brain is hard-wired to love stories, and how they influence and inspire others to action
  • You will learn some tips and techniques that will make you a better story teller
  • You will learn some of the secrets why some of your ideas catch on with clients and others, and why others don’t

Nuts and Bolts of Progressive Design-Build Part 3 — The Performance

Presenter: Robynne Thaxton Parkinson, JD, DBIA

Price: $50 for members and $75 for non-members

CEUs: 1.5

Progressive design-build is one of the newest and least understood forms of design-build. In the third of this three part series, Robynne will discuss the key elements to success in the performance of the progressive design-build project and how to avoid common pitfalls after the contract is signed. Participants in this webinar will learn:

  • What to cover at the project kickoff to maximize success
  • Switching from a traditional design-build or design-bid-build mentality to progressive design-build
  • The key elements of successful progressive design-build projects
  • How the parties manage disagreement and conflict during the progressive design-build project

Making the Most of P3s in Arkansas

Susan Roberts, PhD, PG, Texas A&M Engineering Center for Applied Technology (Moderator)
Larry Watkins, Esq., University of Arkansas at Little Rock, School of Law
Matt Girard, DBIA, Plenary Group
Jerry Holder, Garver

Price: $50 for members and $75 for non-members

CEUs: 1.5

Arkansas’ P3 enabling legislation, water and transportation P3 statutes and non-statutory P3 arrangements are of great interest to P3 project developers and design-build teams alike.

Join this webinar to better understand basic P3s, P3 options in Arkansas and three Arkansas P3 projects currently being developed.

  • Gain knowledge of key elements about P3s around the US
  • Discuss the need and interest of P3s in Arkansas
  • Understand Arkansas’ P3 enabling legislation and process
  • Understand Arkansas’ local water P3 statute, the transportation P3 tolling statute and the processes (briefly discuss non-statutory P3, such as lease-back)
  • Learn about three Arkansas P3 projects under development (port, water distribution and transportation)

Best Practices for Environmental Analysis & Permitting in Transportation Design-Build Projects

Baabak Ashuri, Ph.D, DBIA, CCP, DRMP, Associate Professor, Georgia Tech
David Hannon, PE, CPESC, Cintra US

Price: $50 for members and $75 for non-members

CEUs: 1.5

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) planning, environmental permitting and post-award environmental management (e.g., NEPA re-evaluations and permit modi­fications) are identified as the critical path for delivery of transportation design-build projects. NEPA documents for traditional design-bid-build project delivery have often been very prescriptive in nature (e.g., specifying the number of lanes to have on a highway, interchange types, ROW acquisition, etc.). Therefore, it is critical to understand that the prescriptive approach that is often used in the environmental analysis of design-bid-build projects, should not be applied to design-build projects. Due to the fast-track nature of design-build delivery and its inherent differences from traditional project delivery, the environmental analysis and permitting process needs to be modified and enhanced to accommodate the awarded design-builder’s proposed design (e.g., allow innovation in the solution) and avoid potential complications. This webinar describes a set of strategies to enhance the efficiency of environmental tasks in the design-build environment in the following areas: (1) Identification of environmental resources and coordination with regulatory agencies; (2) NEPA Process (quanti­fication and mitigation of environmental impacts); and (3) Acquiring environmental permitting.

  • Owners can learn strategies for environmental planning and permitting that will provide more flexibility to design-build Teams and improve innovation.
  • Owners can learn strategies on timing for different types of environmental permits in order to gain the most innovation, cost, and schedule benefits.
  • Design Builders can learn what owners expect and gain a better understanding of the environmental planning and permitting processes so they understand the impacts of proposed ATCs or other changes.
  • Everyone will learn how to manage re-evaluations post award and strategies to minimize their need and expedite their approval.

Turning Obstacles Into Opportunities While Developing a Design-Build Market

Presenter: Michael T. Buell, Assoc. DBIA, FSMPS, CPSM

Price: $50 for members and $75 for non-members

CEUs: 1.5

This session is a research-based discussion on how to take the most typical reasons why some architects, contractors and owners hesitate to utilize design-build and turn them into positive project opportunities. By getting these entities to share their genuine concerns and desires for project, it will likely line up precisely with the values of design-build when done right. Come learn how to get your clients to give you ingredients to help make the case for design-build to them more effectively.

  • Understand the most typical reasons why architects, contractors and Owners shy away from design-build
  • Understand how to defuse pre-conceived ideas and create open discussions
  • Understand how to take their genuine concerns and turn them into ‘ah-ha’ moments
  • Understand the best ways to create productive, winning environments for you and your top clients

Use of ATC’s in Transportation Design-Build Projects

This session walks the student through an introduction of the fundamentals of how the ATC process should be incorporated into an RFP solicitation by the owner. It explores the roles of each party in the preparation of ATC during the pursuit phase and the processes for evaluating ATC’s for possible use in proposers technical submissions. The class also touches on how ATC’s should be incorporated in the design-builder’s final technical submission and in the Contract at the time of award. The class concludes with some innovative ideas on how a broad range of ideas may be captured by the ATC process and how ATC’s can be approved with conditions, yet still reduce overall project risks and bring value to the Owner.

You will learn:

  • ATC’s are a powerful means to foster innovation during the procurement phase of a projects
  • ATC’s must be managed in a highly confidential setting one on one with each proposer
  • The RFP should never be modified via amendment to “share” an ATC concept developed by a proposer
  • ATC’s can be approved with conditions, which the proposer can then evaluate and price accordingly which will in most cases reduce project risk and uncertainties while adding value to their proposed project solution

Identifying A Viable P3 Project: Key Public and Private Sector Considerations


Moderator: Dusty Holcombe, RS&H


  • Jackie Cromwell, Program Manager, Virginia Office of Transportation- Public-Private Partnerships
  • Tuyen Mai, Ernst & Young Infrastructure Advisors
  • Matthew J. Girard, Plenary Group

Price: $50 for members and $75 for non-members

CEUs: 1.5

This webinar provides essential information on how to identify infrastructure projects best suited to public-private partnership (P3) delivery. First, a public sector panelist with firsthand experience in P3 delivery discusses qualitative and quantitative owner considerations, including comparing P3 to traditional project delivery. A P3 financial expert identifies factors that need to be considered to assess the financial feasibility of P3 delivery for a project, including identifying and quantifying risks. Finally, the private sector proposer perspective is discussed including technical feasibility, strength of revenue stream and stage of development of a project.

The experts include a public sector official who has executed successful P3 projects and key representatives from the financial advisory and developer communities. Following the presentation, the group addresses attendee questions.


Understanding the New DBIA Code of Conduct

Jimmy Barber, P.E., LEED AP, DBIA
Tom Porter, JD, DBIA

CEUs: 1.0

DBIA’s Code of Professional Conduct helps to ensure our industry meets the highest level of ethical conduct, professionalism and service. With the increased use of design-build project delivery and the increased recognition of DBIA™ certified professionals, the professional conduct of DBIA members and credential holders, is more important than ever.

While all DBIA members are encouraged and expected to adhere to the Code, those holding the DBIA™ and Assoc. DBIA™ credentials will be subject to enforcement of the Code and possible disciplinary action resulting from violations of the Code. This webinar is also required to receive DBIA credentials.

In this seminar you will:

  • Discuss the importance of a robust Code of Professional Conduct to the design-build profession.
  • Review the key elements of the Code of Professional Conduct including the rules, comments and enforcement.
  • Understand the basis for a complaint and/or appeal.
  • Discuss procedures by which credential holders will be required to attest to their agreement of the Code.
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All of DBIA’s design-build webinars are available as recordings.

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Easy access to live and on-demand webinars and hundreds of hours of recorded conference sessions — all at a discounted price!

DBIA’s webinar subscription service provides easy access to online education offerings through our Design-Build Done Right Webinar Series and to more than 200 archived conference recordings.

The subscription service is especially beneficial to DBIA certification credential holders and/or certification candidates who won’t need to order required professional development one webinar at a time.

This one-year subscription service is offered at a 50 percent discount from the regular rate and will begin from the date of purchase.


Annual subscriptions begin at $625.00. This discount represents a significant 50 percent savings from the individual webinar pricing.

Package A: 25 max sessions, $625/yr
Package B: 50 max sessions, $1,250/yr
Package C: 100 max sessions, $2,500/yr
Package D: 200 max sessions, $5,000/yr

Note: Individuals must register to receive credit. If one individual registers for three (3) different sessions, either live or archived, three (3) sessions will be deducted from the allotment. If a team of five (5) people is planning to view a webinar (one location or multiple), all five (5) must be registered to receive credit and five (5) sessions will also be counted against the available allotment.

Questions? Send us an email.

DBIA courses are approved for AIA and Designated Design-Build Professional™ continuing education credits


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