
Crossover Day and Opening Keynote: Design-Build in Transportation Conference

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Crossover Day and Opening Keynote: Design-Build in Transportation Conference

It’s been a busy week in Portland for DBIA and all the conference attendees that showed up to the Oregon Convention Center. Wednesday was the crossover day for the 2018 Design-Build for Water/Wastewater and Design-Build in Transportation Conferences, and as you can imagine, there was a lot going on! As we wind down on the Design-Build in Transportation Conference, we look back on the past few days:


The morning got off to a rockin’ start with an owner’s panel featuring owners from around the Northwest discussing their foray into the world of design-build.



After some concurrent sessions  (including one featuring a DBIA staff member!), both Water/Wastewater and Transportation attendees came together for a joint networking luncheon and general session which was the end of the Water/Wastewater Conference and the beginning of the Transportation Conference. The session featured a group from FMI that not only looked at where DBIA and design-build has come, but where it’s going in the future.





The Design-Build in Transportation Conference continued on Thursday with the opening keynote from author and futurist Jack Uldrich, who spoke about the future of transportation with engaging slides and a vivid presentation.


The day also featured a session on how design-build delivers in times of crisis, featuring guests from the Minnesota DOT and the Washington DOT.


All in all, the first two days of the Design-Build in Transportation Conference were educational and innovative, and we’re looking forward to closing out the conference today in style!