
DBIA Announces 2013 Excellence in Design Award Winners

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DBIA Announces 2013 Excellence in Design Award Winners

Washington, D.C., Nov. 19, 2013

Projects for University of California- Irvine, Oregon Military Department and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers honored for Design Excellence

DBIA has announced the Excellence in Design Award winners for 2013. Design-build projects for the University of California-Irvine, the Oregon Military Department and the United States Army Corps of Engineers have been honored by DBIA for exceptional, innovative and inspirational design.

“Regardless of building type, budget or schedule, the winners of DBIA’s Excellence in Design Awards achieved excellence in design that is innovative, memorable and captures the owner’s vision in a holistic and sustainable manner,” says Lisa Washington, CAE, Executive Director/CEO, DBIA. “The three projects selected by DBIA’s Excellence in Design Jury illustrate that design-build project delivery can achieve — and even advance — design excellence in the built environment.”

The 2013 DBIA Excellence in Design Award winners are:

Colonel James Nesmith Readiness Center
The Colonel Nesmith Readiness Center in Dallas, Ore. was honored for elevating a straightforward building to an almost spiritual level. The building design clearly reflects the rural setting with light-filled interior spaces embracing the public while fulfilling the building’s mission. The DBIA Excellence in Design Jury believes the elegance of the project is derived from its well-proportioned simplicity and thoughtful and efficient use of sustainable materials.

Owner: Oregon Military Department; Design-Builder: Lease Crutcher Lewis; Architect: THA Architecture; Engineers: Catena Consulting Engineers (Structural), Glumac (Mechanical), KPFF Consulting Engineers (Civil); Specialty Contractor: Place Studio (Landscape Design)

University of California – Irvine Contemporary Arts Center
DBIA’s Excellence in Design Jury selected to honor the UC Irvine Contemporary Arts Center project in Irvine, Calif. for well-integrated design, high functionality and well-executed public spaces. The jury applauds how each elevation of the building represents a separate canvas of expression, creating a sophisticated and sustainable home for the school’s art program.

Owner: University of California, Irvine; Design-Builder and General Contractor: Edge Construction, LLC; Architects: Ehrlich Architects, LRM Landscape Architecture; Engineers: John A. Martin & Associates, Inc., KPFF Consulting Engineers Inc., M-E Engineers Inc., Smith Engineering; Specialty Consultants: Menlo Scientific Acoustics, Inc., Schaffer Acoustics Inc.; Specialty Contractors: Berg Electric Corporation, Best Interiors, Inc., Couts Heating and Cooling, Inc., EDGE – Concrete Division, Scrape Certified Welding, Inc.

Tres Rios Environmental Restoration, Phase 3A and-3B
The Tres Rios Environmental Restoration Phase 3A&3B project in Phoenix, Az. has been honored with a Citation for a distinguished design characteristic. The Citation award recognizes the project for adapting to the newfound conditions while meeting budget and schedule requirements, restoring the natural habitat and environmental legacy of the Tres Rios ecosystem and again demonstrating that restoration projects can be successfully delivered through a design-build method.

Owner: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District; Design-Builder and General Contractor: Kiewit Western Co.; Architect and Engineer: HNTB Corporation; Specialty Contractor: Logan Simpson Design Inc. (Landscape Architect), Classic Excavation (Clear and Grub Subcontractor) and Combs Construction Company (Grading and Excavation Subcontractor); Other Key Professional: City of Phoenix