
DBIA IQ Magazine Wins EXCEL Award for Best Redesign

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DBIA IQ Magazine Wins EXCEL Award for Best Redesign

After launching a redesigned quarterly magazine almost exactly one year ago, DBIA, along with Hanley Wood and LTD Creative, announced recently that the new DBIA IQ magazine has won an EXCEL Award for Best Redesign.

The Association Media & Publishing EXCEL Awards is America’s largest and most prestigious awards program that exclusively recognizes innovation and leadership in association media, publishing, marketing and communications. Among the more than 850 entries this year, only 218 of those were selected by judges as worthy of an EXCEL Award.

The redesign of DBIA IQ magazine began in early 2014 and launched almost exactly one year ago. In January 2014, DBIA’s outreach team met with Hanley Wood, a noted publisher of design and construction magazines, to discuss ways to freshen the look of the quarterly magazine design-build leaders had come to expect in the mail. Working with LTD Creative, a strategic web and graphic design firm, the magazine received more than a refresh; it was a complete redesign. Fonts were changed, colors were added, photos morphed from stale squares in the corners to artistically embedded images that came to life.

IQ article before and after_512

Although categories can have up to three winners, DBIA IQ magazine was the only winner selected in the “Print Newsletters: Redesign” category.

This corresponding electronic news site you’re reading now was launched at the same time as the new magazine. For a behind-the-scenes look at the development of the magazine and news site, please read this blog post from one year ago.