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DBIA Launches Young Professionals Program

by Geoffrey Corey  |  June 29, 2015

The Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA) took their mission to define, teach and promote best practices in design-build to the next level recently with the launch of a program specifically for industry professionals aged 35 and under. The DBIA Young Professional Program is intended to provide unique opportunities for active involvement in the industry, to provide resources for professional growth and give Young Professionals an opportunity to build important relationships as early as possible in their careers.

The program includes a new category of membership, which provides industry professionals aged 35 and under with full DBIA member benefits for only $75 a year and Industry Partner members can add two Young Professionals to their roster of contacts for free.

“This program will create opportunities for young leaders to be recognized, build relationships, expand their skills and advance their careers,” said Lisa Washington, CAE, DBIA’s Executive Director/CEO. “DBIA has seen increased success in our student engagement over the past several years, and we want to continue that engagement in order to develop the most prepared future leaders the design-build world has ever seen.”

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The DBIA Young Professional Membership Program will create and communicate a clear path to success for future design-build professionals by providing a seamless transition from student involvement to industry involvement by:

  • Helping to build a community of peers under the umbrella and guidance of DBIA National, Regions and Chapters;
  • Providing educational guidance and events to provide a path to achieve DBIA Associate Certification;
  • Providing opportunities that support networking;
  • Promoting career building and leadership development;
  • Promoting mentoring opportunities;
  • Providing opportunities for input on programs/services to support your needs.

Other benefits include but are not limited to:


Leadership Opportunities:

  • Involvement on committees at the Region and National levels;
  • Participation in education and networking events at conferences (by and for young professionals).

Most importantly, Young Professionals attending DBIA’s annual Design-Build Conference & Expo this fall will have access to a newly developed Mentor Program – a structured process to allow seasoned professionals/members a way to give back to the industry by sharing their professional insight and practical career advice with young professionals.

With over 50 universities actively engaged in DBIA via either a student chapter, involvement in the National Design-Build Student Competition, or through incorporation of DBIA coursework into curriculum, DBIA has reached nearly 2,000 students this past year alone.  This new program will allow DBIA to have an even greater impact on emerging professionals in the industry. View more information or join today by clicking here.

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