
Owner Scholarship Applications Due Monday, February 22

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Owner Scholarship Applications Due Monday, February 22

Allison Leisner  |  February 18, 2016

There is only a short time left to apply for the Owner Scholarship for the 2016 Design-Build in Transportation Conference and 2016 Design-Build for Water/Wastewater Conference. Both Conferences will take place April 18-22, 2016, at the Charlotte Convention Center in Charlotte, North Carolina. The goal of the Owner Scholarship Fund is to advance the awareness, understanding and use of design-build among as many owners/government agencies as possible. Recipients of the scholarship are eligible for complimentary registration and/or partial travel costs. There are a limited number of funds, so apply today!

Description of Funds:

Owner Education Fund: Covers complimentary registration to the 2016 conference.

Owner Travel Fund: Used to offset all or a portion of an individual’s travel costs. Recipients may apply to have coach airfare and lodging for up to three nights covered. The amount awarded is based on the number of applications received and fund availability.

Deadline: February 22, 2016

Apply for 2016 Transportation Conference

Apply for 2016 Water/Wastewater Conference

If you have questions regarding the Owner Scholarship, please contact Allison Leisner at aleisner@dbia.org.