
Delivering a New New York

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Delivering a New New York

DBIA Delivers Design-Build Done Right to New York

What do you get when you bring together over 200 of New York’s leading design and construction professionals plus the agency and project leaders who are blazing trails in New York?  You get the truly energizing design-build conversation we saw at the “Delivering a New New York” symposium in Manhattan, June 5th.

DBIA’S Liberty Region and WTS-Greater New York hosted an overflow crowd of design-builders eager to talk about New York’s impressive design-build successes and new authority now granted to the City. The battle to bring design-build to New York has been nearly a decade in the making and some likely doubted a gathering like this one could ever be possible.

“As design-builders, we know that effective collaboration and leadership are more than just catch-phrases. Collaboration and leadership are exactly what delivered design-build to New York, and we can’t wait to see it deliver project successes in new places like the BQE, the New York City Housing Authority and the state’s correctional facilities. It’s an exciting time for New York and for the design-build industry. But this is just the beginning.” …Lisa Washington, DBIA Executive Director/CEO

Two impressive panels of New York project directors, Owners, and industry leaders provided participants an insiders’ look at design-build in New York while also looking at past and current successes to plan for the future.  Project leaders from the Mario M. Cuomo bridge, Newark Liberty and La Guardia Airports and the BQE offered important insights in how and why design-build has impact their projects. And, most importantly, when design-build is a good fit:

“Using design-build isn’t just about saving time and money. The real question is…is this the best way to deliver the project.  We know design-build is the best way to deliver the BQE.” … Tanvi Pandya P.E., Senior Program Manager for the BQE Rehabilitation Project, NYCDOT

 “Certain projects lend themselves to design-build and others don’t. The designer and contractor working together to come up with great ideas, solutions and innovations is the power of design-build.” … Jamey Barbas, P.E., Project Director, Mario M. Cuomo Bridge, New York State Thruway Authority

The design-build movement is transforming New York and it’s just the beginning. DBIA is excited to be returning to New York to Design-Build City-Wide training in New York.  This Owners workshop will be offered at no cost to help New York City Owners begin their journey on the road to successful design-build project delivery.

This half-day training will be presented by two of the nation’s leading and most highly-respected design-build experts: Craig Unger, DBIA, CEO of Unger Security Solutions, LLC and Michael C. Loulakis, Esq., DBIA, founder of Capital Project Strategies, LLC. The session will cover topics, including:

  • What Does Design-Build Authority Mean for New York City?
    • Design-Build Done Right™ — What it Means and Why it’s Important
    • Key Owner Considerations when Selecting the Design-Build Team
    • Design-Build Opportunities and Challenges
    • Open Discussion/Q&A