
Design-Build Institute Applauds New York’s Extension of Design-Build Authority

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Design-Build Institute Applauds New York’s Extension of Design-Build Authority


New York State’s passage of a $163 billion budget includes important provisions which will allow agencies to continue their successful use of design-build on projects saving taxpayers millions of dollars and years of construction time.

“There’s no denying the successes New York has already seen, even with limited authority, on design-build projects statewide.  By expanding design-build’s use for four years in existing agencies and authorizing 8 new projects at four more agencies, New York taxpayers will reap the benefits that come when projects are delivered more cost-effectively and efficiently thanks to the collaboration and innovation of the design-build process. Soon, New York lawmakers and taxpayers will look back and wonder ‘what took us so long’ to seize the advantage design-build offers our state and they’ll grant permanent authority to avoid this ongoing budget battle.” ….Lisa Washington, DBIA Executive Director/CEO.

The Design-Build authority for all state agencies that currently have design-build was extended for four years.

  • New York State Thru-way Authority
  • Department of Transportation
  • Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic preservation
  • Department of Environmental Conservation
  • New York State Bridge Authority

In addition to extending existing authority; design-build authority was expanded to include 8 additional design-build projects by the following four agencies:

  • Urban Development Corporation
  • Dormitory Authority & Urban Development Corporation
  • New York State Olympic Regional Development Authority
  • Office of General Services

Among the eight projects are: several Olympic Regional Development Authority resorts, a new regional visitors center in Essex County, a new State Police forensics lab and a new Life Sciences Laboratory.

Even though New York has lagged behind many other states in approving design-build authority, the state’s successes are impressive. The emergency reconstruction of State Route 42 in Greene County, after its damage from Hurricane Irene, was completed in just four months, ahead of schedule and approximately 10 percent under budget using design-build. NYDOT projects the $550 million replacement of the Kosciuszko Bridge will be completed 3.5 years earlier thanks to design-build. The largest capital project in the state used design-build for the New NY Bridge (replacing the Tappan Zee) which is projected to cost $1.7 billion less than originally planned while delivering 18 months ahead of schedule.

DBIA continues to work with New York lawmakers to approve legislation that will also grant design-build authority to the City of New York, which should also be allowed to access the time and cost efficiencies already seen statewide. In New York City, the billion-dollar expansion of the Jacob J. Javits Center and the Penn Station renovations will use design-build contracts under the state’s design-build authority.