
Design-Build Institute of America & Water Design-Build Council Announce Strategic Alliance to Advance Design-Build for Water/Wastewater Industry

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Design-Build Institute of America & Water Design-Build Council Announce Strategic Alliance to Advance Design-Build for Water/Wastewater Industry

August 21, 2015

Washington, D.C. – The Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA) – the only organization that defines, teaches and promotes best practices in all sectors of design-build – and the Water Design-Build Council (WDBC) – the only organization dedicated to research and education initiatives exclusively for the water sector of the design-build industry – today announced a strategic alliance. Through closely aligned and collaborative efforts, DBIA and WDBC will provide timely and relevant resources to meet the needs of water industry owners and practitioners.

While remaining separate organizations, DBIA and WDBC will jointly develop and disseminate an effective education program for the water sector based upon research confirming the benefits of collaborative delivery processes, and guided by the ongoing identification and refinement of industry best practices. Most importantly, the alliance between DBIA and WDBC will manage a comprehensive program of owner outreach and education, making information easily accessible and available to all levels of owners and practitioners throughout North America.

“Haskell is a member of DBIA and WDBC because they both bring something unique to the design-build world,” said DBIA’s Board Chairman Peter Kinsley, DBIA. Kinsley leads the Government & Public Services Group at Haskell. “Just like in design-build projects, collaboration is essential to success, so it only makes sense that we should combine WDBC’s expertise in water-specific research and education with DBIA’s broad reach and expertise in design-build best practices.”

“WDBC is excited to partner with DBIA to create the most thorough and comprehensive education materials the water design-build sector has ever seen,” said David Kinchen, President of WDBC, who leads part of Black & Veatch’s design-build business for the water industry. “Black & Veatch is a member of both organizations because we see tremendous benefits by being active in both. Combining the strengths of each organization will leverage both DBIA’s and WDBC’s achievements to date, and advance the shared commitment we both have to develop, promote and implement best practices specifically tailored for collaborative delivery in the water industry.”

For more information, please visit DBIA’s website here.