
Design-Build Project Delivery Holds Steady at Nearly 40 Percent of Non-Residential Construction Projects in the U.S.

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Design-Build Project Delivery Holds Steady at Nearly 40 Percent of Non-Residential Construction Projects in the U.S.

Washington, D.C., Aug. 12, 2013

Research finds continued growth of design-build since 2005; highest market share included Pacific Region at 59% and Military Sector at 81%.

DBIA has released research indicating that design-build project delivery represents nearly 40 percent of total market share in the United States, based on dollar value at the end of 2012. This represents an eight percent growth increase since 2005. The geographic area with the highest design-build delivery market share is the Pacific region at 59 percent. In addition, research findings show the Military sector dominates design-build project delivery with an 81 percent market share.

In a study of 48,640 project specifications across nine building sectors and geographic regions, DBIA found commercial building was the second largest sector, followed by medical building for design-build project delivery in 2012. In addition, research from DBIA reveals that market size, as defined as the potential share of design-build delivery according to dollar value, has doubled in the United States since 2005.

“The growth of design-build project delivery across geographic regions and building sectors throughout the United States exemplifies the cost and time efficiencies that can be achieved to benefit the owner, project team and surrounding communities,” says Lisa Washington, Executive Director/CEO, DBIA. “Design-build done right serves to advance our industry and our economy.”

A copy of the full report, “Design-Build Project Delivery Market Share and Market Size Report,” is available on DBIA’s web site. The report was compiled and analyzed by Reed Construction Data/RSMeans Market Intelligence in 2013, one of North America’s largest information providers to the design and construction industry.