
DesignBuildDoneRight.com Wins Industry Award

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DesignBuildDoneRight.com Wins Industry Award

By Andrew Ausel | July 1, 2016

This week at DBIA headquarters we received notification that this website, DesignBuildDoneRight.com has won an APEX Award for Best 1-2 Person-Produced Website. DesignBuildDoneRight.com was launched in March 2014, and is used to publish our blog posts, industry news and press releases that are often shared through social media and our weekly Design-Build Insight newsletter. The APEX Awards are an annual competition to highlight best practices in web and print publication. This award adds DesignBuildDoneRight.com to our growing list of award-winning publications in print and media as it joins our magazine, DBIA Integration Quarterly, which won an EXCEL Award in 2014 for Best Magazine Redesign.

What are the APEX Awards?

The APEX awards are an annual competition to recognize excellence in graphic design, editorial content and the ability to achieve overall communications excellence. The APEX awards bring together distinguished communications professionals with knowledge of best practices in the industry to review the work of nominees and determine where noteworthy work is being done.

According to the awards site, “There are over 100 communications categories that narrow in on different achievements in the world of communications.”

How we did:

We take great pride in our Best 1-2 Person-Produced Website Award. For starters, over 1,600 entries were evaluated, which included 102 websites. Across all categories, 632 APEX Awards of Excellence were awarded with 52 of them coming in website related categories, and we were one of only 7 winners in our category.

This website is the only news site dedicated to covering Design-Build Done RightTM and highlighting news and developments in the design-build industry in an engaging way. With the pace at which design-build is growing and changing, it is encouraging to have our platform be recognized as exemplary in its field. Our mission is and always will be to seek ways that we can better engage our readers and promote content more effectively. This award is a validation of the hard work already done. What remains is a commitment to the goal of promoting Design-Build Done RightTM through our publication; a charge that we will continue to pursue.