
EPA Takes WIFIA Information Sessions On the Road

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EPA Takes WIFIA Information Sessions On the Road

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recently announced its first steps in implementing the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA). WIFIA establishes a new financing mechanism to accelerate investment in our nation’s water infrastructure. The WIFIA program will provide loans for up to 49 percent of eligible project costs for projects that will cost at least $20 million for large communities and $5 million for small communities (population of 25,000 or less).

The information sessions will cover the anticipated schedule, and program basics, including current status, and eligibility and statutory requirements. Attendees can also expect to learn about the application and selection process, creditworthiness assessment, and examples of how WIFIA can be used and its potential cost savings.

Through these sessions, the EPA is hoping to reach both private and public stakeholders. Potential WIFIA applicants including municipal entities, corporations, partnerships and State Revolving Fund programs, as well as private, non-governmental organizations that support potential applicants are encouraged to attend.

Advance registration is required and space is limited. Register at http://wifia.questionpro.com/ or visit www.epa.gov/wifia or contact wifia@epa.gov for more information.

Dates (all sessions will be from 9:00 am- 3:30 pm local time):

Chicago, IL:                        October 14

Orlando, FL:                       October 20

New York, NY:                   November 7

San Francisco, CA:            November 12

Los Angeles, CA:                November 15

Dallas, TX:                          November 18


Join EPA to learn how the WIFIA program will be implemented in the coming year.