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FMI Webinar Details the ‘Growing World of Design-Build’

When industry analysts at FMI took a look at what the future held for design-build, what they found was encouraging for design-build and the construction industry at large. As time has gone on and more design-build research is produced, FMI has reported on and explained their research, which continued today when they hosted industry members in a webinar detailing the rapid growth of design-build.

A clear definition of design-build was used from the outset of the research (via FMI).

FMI Senior Consultant Paul Trombitas, one of the central members of the research, took attendees through the data and findings that have confirmed what long-time design-build advocates have felt for years: design-build is growing, and at a very rapid rate.

Since there are many positive aspects of the current economy, Trombitas said, as the market has improved, so have investments and design-build projects. He also pointed out that while the overall market of nonresidential construction spending has experienced fluctuation in spending, design-build continues to grow.

While breaking the numbers down further, the webinar not only delivered raw facts and figures but analysis of what this means for the industry. For instance, being able to look into design-build spending by segment led Trombitas to the realization that “design-build really lends itself to the educational space,” citing the success to meet tight, expedited deadlines a critical component of this success.

Further analysis included what influences the decision to choose design-build delivery, project utilization by project size and key member characteristics of a successful design-build team. Common themes of education and understanding among team members came up time and again, and the research stressed the importance of familiarity and team chemistry among team members, Owners and other stakeholders.

FMI webinar
One of the slides from the ‘Growing World of Design-Build’ webinar from FMI (via FMI).

We have continued to see design-build deliver projects more efficiently in both cost and schedule, and the inherent collaboration and innovation involved also produce these projects at an increased value. DBIA is proud to continue to lead the industry during this exciting time in our history, and events like today’s webinar continue to spread the influence of design-build among industry members.