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Get Your Education at the 2018 Design-Build Conference & Expo

One of the best parts about a DBIA conference is the opportunity to learn about design-build from the ground up. Concurrent education is one of the staples of the Design-Build Conference & Expo, and this year is no different, with five different tracks and a bonus technology track on an array of topics including:

  • Progressive Design-Build
  • Leadership Essentials
  • Achieving Exceptional Outcomes
  • Beyond The Delivery Method
  • Making The Design-Build Decision
  • Tech Sessions (Bonus Track)

But what is an education session at a DBIA conference look like? Let’s take a peek…

Hundreds are in the room with you.

At a conference with 2,000+ attendees, it’s not hard to believe that hundreds of people attend each of our education tracks. You aren’t sitting in a room with a dozen other bored souls, your eyes glazing over as you try to pay attention to what the speakers are saying. That’s because…

Our speakers are the best and brightest in the field. 

A few DBIA speakers.

Remember the Farmers Insurance commercial that goes, ‘we know a thing or two because we’ve seen a thing or two’? That’s what it’s like to hear from a speaker at a DBIA conference. Our speakers have been around the block a time or two, and have plenty of stories and lessons learned about design-build and the industry that they are more than willing to pass onto those old and new to design-build.

A diversity of topics. 

If you think you’re here just to learn how design-build works, you’re going to get more than you bargained for. We believe in educating the whole person, which is why this year we have tracks on leadership essentials and how to achieve exceptional outcomes. You also have the opportunity to not only learn about design-build from a base level but also from a more advanced and practical standpoint. This includes tips, best practices, and addressing the hottest topics in the industry like Progressive Design-Build.

Top-of-the-line concurrent education is just one of the many, many things that are happening this week at the Design-Build Conference & Expo, and gives you a glimpse into what’s open to all DBIA conference attendees.