
Iowa State Student Receives National Design-Build Leadership Award

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Iowa State Student Receives National Design-Build Leadership Award

Iowa State University construction engineering senior Brandon Mai was awarded the 2014 Distinguished Design-Build Leadership Award at the Design-Build Conference and Expo, held Oct. 8 in Dallas, Texas.

The Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA) gave the national award to only three individuals this year: an academic professional, an industry professional, and a student.

To win this award, nominees must have demonstrated leadership in the design-build field. Mai has shown great leadership by being a part of the DBIA Iowa State University Student Chapter for three years and being on cabinet for two years, including his current role as vice president. He has shown much effort in design-build by being a part of the 2014 DBIA Student Competition Midwest-winning team and by attending the 2013 Design-Build Conference and Expo in Las Vegas, Nev.

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