
New Membership Services Coming Soon!

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New Membership Services Coming Soon!

Andrew Ausel  |  December 1, 2016

We’ve got some exciting news for our members and customers! DBIA will be integrating to a new Membership Database by Monday, December 19 to provide even better quality service! In order to make this a smooth transition, we will be taking our old database out of service from Thursday, December 8 through Friday, December 16.

I know, you may have a million questions at this point, but rest assured; during this time of transition, DBIA is committed to continuing to provide you the same excellent customer service that you are accustomed to.

DBIA has been working over the last year to ensure that we obtained the best Association Management System (AMS) possible for our valued members. Our new database will provide a more user-friendly experience for members and customers. Improved internal systems will be able to communicate more effectively and for our members, DBIA’s website will be a one-stop portal to renew membership, update contact information, connect with peers, register for events and programs, as well as other services.

We say this all the time, but we mean it. DBIA is committed to being a high-performance organization providing the greatest value to all of our members and customers. We are very excited for this new database here, and look forward to embarking on this new experience with you!


You can read more about the transition by clicking here!