
New Progressive Design-Build Agreement Released Today

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New Progressive Design-Build Agreement Released Today

As the number of design-build projects continues to grow in states from coast to coast, owners and practitioners are developing new strategies which improve innovation and collaboration while mitigating risks. One of the tools emerging first in the water/wastewater sector is called Progressive Design-Build (PDB). Proponents say the early collaboration in PDB has given owners a high level of input and control while allowing the design-builder the best possible environment to foster the innovation needed to tackle complex projects.

The Design-Build Institute of America and the Water Design Build Council have prepared a new Progressive Design-Build Agreement for owners and design-build professionals as a tool to help PDB parties navigate the process.

“The Progressive Design-Build Agreement is another quality addition to the extensive library of DBIA contract documents, developed by a task force of legal experts specifically for design-build projects. Like all of the DBIA contract forms, it is designed to be fair to all parties, allocating risk and benefits evenhandedly. PDB has demonstrated success in the water/waste-water sector delivering a variety of complicated and innovative projects on-time and under budget. We are excited to release this standard form that will help guide industry on the use of progressive design-build.”…Lisa Washington, Design-Build Institute of America Executive Director/CEO

The water/wastewater sector has been an early-adopter of progressive design-build with the Water Design Build Council playing an essential role in educating its members on the value of Progressive Design-Build in the industry.

“It’s vital that owners and practitioners have access to top quality information on the many innovative ways that help contract for and deliver successful projects on time and on budget. The water industry has long embraced progressive design-build and after years of experience we have many lessons-learned to share.  This collaboration with DBIA has allowed two leaders in the industry to combine forces and produce a standard form of agreement which will be immensely valuable to owners, designers and contractors.”…Mark Alpert, Water Design Build Council Executive Director

The new Progressive Design-Build Agreement is available in DBIA’s online bookstore.