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Design-Build Done Right

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NEW Progressive Design-Build Coursework

Progressive Design-Build (PDB) has risen in popularity in recent years and DBIA education has progressed right along with it.

Whether it’s hosting packed PDB education sessions at a DBIA conference, producing a primer defining Progressive Design-Build Done Right™ or being featured on an episode of Design-Build Delivers, DBIA is ready to help design-builders learn what progressive is all about. We’re building on that momentum by offering the nation’s only Progressive Design-Build Done Right™ education courses, new in 2019!

Using real-world case studies of exceptional outcomes taught by some of the nation’s most experienced PDB Owners and practitioners, this course will help participants take a deeper dive into PDB to learn about what it means, its many uses and what makes a successful PDB project. There will be six courses offered this year in locations around the country:

March 28                                                                    Portland, Oregon
June 27                                                                       Baltimore, Maryland
September 12                                                            Denver, Colorado
October 3                                                                   Atlanta, Georgia
November 5 (Pre-Conference Event)                  Las Vegas Nevada
December 5                                                               San Diego, California

Space in each course is limited, so make sure you register and reserve your spot early! If you don’t see a city near you but are interested in learning more, you can contact the Education Department at DBIA to discuss bringing a class to your area.