
New Year Brings New Leadership and New Opportunities for the Design-Build Institute of America

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New Year Brings New Leadership and New Opportunities for the Design-Build Institute of America

2017 Board of Directors Represent the Best of the Design-Build Industry

The Design-Build Institute of America’s newly elected national board of directors and officers have been announced and will assume their leadership positions in January 2017.

As our nation addresses the need for increased infrastructure investment, DBIA is well positioned to provide the tools needed by public and private owners, industry and lawmakers nationwide to make the most of that investment. DBIA’s new board of directors, led by Chairman Praful Kulkarni, will bring a wealth of experience to the DBIA mission of promoting the proven efficiencies of an integrated design-build approach.

“DBIA is fortunate to have a national board representing the diversity of experiences and talent so important to the burgeoning design-build industry.  Our newly elected Chairman, Praful Kulkarni, is the consummate design-build innovator having created a firm recognized as one of the nation’s top integrated architectural and construction services companies.  He brings a lifetime of real-world design-build experience to our association at a time when we fully expect the design-build industry to continue its growth in states from coast to coast.” …Lisa Washington, DBIA Executive Director/CEO

“The future is bright for the design-build industry.  I’ve seen first-hand, as the founder of a highly successful integrated firm providing architectural and construction services, the reality that architecture and construction are inseparable. Applying a thorough understanding of each in a customized approach is critical to the success of any project.  DBIA plays a vital role in educating industry leaders, public and private owners, and lawmakers about the incredible benefits of design-build done right.  I’m looking forward to leading our board of directors during this important time in design-build’s history.”…Praful Kulkarni, 2017 DBIA Board Chairman and Founder, President and CEO of California-based gkkworks

Officers elected for the 2017 DBIA Board are:  Vice Chairman, William Hasbrook, the Vice President for Dragados USA, Inc. based in Texas and Treasurer, Marty Hedlund, the Senior Vice President for Sundt Construction, Inc. in Arizona.  Three new Directors also join the Board this year including:  Rick del Monte with the Beck Group and  Raquel Ibarra, Ibarra Consulting Engineers both from Dallas, and Pat Nemeth with Sharp Healthcare in San Diego.

You can see a full list of DBIA’s 2017 Board of Directors on our website at dbia.org.



The Design-Build Institute, based in Washington, D.C., is the only membership organization bringing together thousands of organizations and individuals representing architects, engineers, owners, contractors, manufacturers (and more) to define, teach and promote best practices in design-build.