
New York Legislature Confirms Governor’s Commitment to Design-Build and Infrastructure

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New York Legislature Confirms Governor’s Commitment to Design-Build and Infrastructure

Andrew Ausel  |  April 13, 2016

The New York State Legislature, has passed, and Governor Andrew Cuomo has signed, a state budget with huge increases in infrastructure spending and a major victory for design-build. As proposed in his state of the state address, Governor Cuomo was able to increase infrastructure spending and authorize design-build for the New York State Urban Development Corporation and the New York Convention Center Development Corporation.

Governor Cuomo made expansion of design-build authority a priority for the second year in a row and ensured the state’s ability to move forward on his major infrastructure goals. Last year, the Legislature – with strong urging from Cuomo – included a provision in the state budget for a two-year renewal of design-build authority for select agencies. This year, the Governor expanded design-build authority to include the New York State Urban Development Corporation and the New York Convention Center Development Corporation. In the Governor’s original budget announcement during the state of the state address, he outlined a significant portfolio of design-build and P3 projects including Penn Station and the Farley Post Office Redevelopments. This authorization gives permission to the necessary entities to deliver these projects through design-build making good on a promise that will save the taxpayers of New York significant time and money in delivering these projects.

In the end, the bill also boosted water infrastructure spending by $156 billion and appropriated $55 billion for transportation capital projects statewide. $350 million was set aside over the next two years for municipalities throughout the state to upgrade and maintain drinking and wastewater infrastructure. Funding for transportation projects was significantly expanded and included $27.14 billion for Department of Transportation and Thruway programs in upstate New York and $27.98 billion for Metropolitan Transportation Authority programs in the New York City area.

“DBIA applauds Governor Cuomo and the New York State Legislature for passing this budget with such important advancements for design-build project delivery in the state,” said Lisa Washington, the Executive Director/CEO of DBIA. “We look forward to seeing these projects succeed and to working with legislators to continue the advancement of design-build authority so that New York can join the 41 other states that have significant design-build authority.”