
Our Open Letter to Communities Hit by Hurricane Harvey

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Our Open Letter to Communities Hit by Hurricane Harvey

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As an entire nation witnesses the devastation Hurricane Harvey has delivered to Texas and beyond, DBIA Executive Director/CEO, Lisa Washington has extended her promise that America’s design-build community will be there to help communities clean-up and rebuild.

Sent to DBIA Members impacted by Hurricane Harvey


August 30, 2017

Dear DBIA Members,

It’s been said you can’t understand the awesome power of community until you’re a part of one.  As I’ve watched the terrifying pictures of Hurricane Harvey’s destructive force, it’s clear just how important community is to residents battling this storm.  We here at DBIA National want to be sure that you know America’s design-build community is also here for you.

From coast to coast, our community of design-builders understand better than most the challenges Texas communities face now, during the storm, and in the future, as cleanup and rebuilding efforts begin. DBIA vows to do whatever we can to help you heal and rebuild in Harvey’s aftermath and stand ready to educate and advocate for the infrastructure policies needed to make that happen quickly and cost-effectively.

If you are safe and able to share your thoughts and experiences, our community of design-builders nationwide would like to hear from our colleagues and friends in Houston and many other nearby communities including Rockport, Beaumont and Port Arthur. Please take a moment and share them with your fellow design-build industry members here. Our nation has seen numerous natural disasters in recent years, and our hope is that, as a nation, we learn from each.  By sharing your stories and first-person experiences, others can contribute to not only rebuilding in Texas but to preventing such tragedies in the future.

Be safe, be strong and know that America’s design-build community’s “got your back.”


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You can share your experiences about Harvey by clicking here. Our thoughts are with all of those affected by Hurricane Harvey’s devastation.