
Recognize Leaders in Transportation; Nominations due February 6, 2017

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Recognize Leaders in Transportation; Nominations due February 6, 2017

The Transportation Committee of the Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA) requests nominations for awards recognizing individuals and organizations actively promoting design-build project delivery in the transportation sector.

DBIA’s Transportation Leadership Awards pay tribute to individuals and organizations in the transportation industry who have made significant contributions to advancing awareness, understanding and use of the design-build project delivery method. Nominees may come from any transportation mode including, but not limited to, highways/bridges, marine/water, rail and air. Nominations should address leadership in the areas of technical, legislative, organizational, industry-wide or agency-wide actions as well as support for DBIA’s Industry Best Practices.

The awards will be presented at the 2017 Transportation Conference to be held March 27-29 in Minneapolis, Minn. The conference will provide an opportunity for owners, design-builders, consultants, contractors and others to share in the award winners’ dedication to design-build.

Award Types:

  • Owner Organization of the Year: Recognizes an owner organization in the transportation field that has demonstrated leadership and advanced use of design-build project delivery.
  • Individual Leadership Awards: Recognizes individuals in the transportation industry who have made significant contributions. Nomination categories include Public/Private Owner, Industry Professional and Young Professional.

Nomination forms, including the Individual Form and the Organization Form, are available online. Completed forms must be received via email to Allison Leisner at aleisner@dbia.org by February 6, 2017, in order to be considered.

Questions? Contact Allison Leisner at aleisner@dbia.org.

Learn more about the 2017 Design-Build in Transportation Conference on the DBIA website.