
Student Chapter Application

Student Chapter Application

  • Fall
  • Spring
  • Faculty Advisor

    NOTE: Faculty Advisor MUST be a DBIA member in good standing
  • Student Chapter President

  • Student Chapter Vice President

  • Student Chapter Secretary

  • Student Chapter Treasurer

  • To be individually signed by Faculty Advisor and Chapter Officers

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Required Attachments

    • An electronic copy of Student Chapter Roster (in Excel) with full contact information for minimum of six students; information required is name, email and estimated graduation date. Note that this roster must be sent in bi-annually to National by October 30 and February 28
    • Proposed Student Chapter Academic Year Budget
    • Original copy of signed Student Chapter Constitution (countersigned copy will be returned to Chapter)
    • Questions: Contact DBIA at (202) 682-0110 or DBUniversity@dbia.org