
Design-Build Done Right for Educators Scholarships Offered

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Design-Build Done Right for Educators Scholarships Offered

Specifically tailored for educators, the Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA) will host a Design-Build Educator Workshop to help university faculty understand the key elements and value of design-build, as well as how to incorporate design-build best practices into their existing curriculum. This will be the second year DBIA has hosted this workshop with support from the Charles Pankow Foundation (CPF). In 2014, the demand exceeded our funds, so DBIA and CPF are pleased to offer it again in 2015.

“DBIA’s Design-Build Educator Workshop was a phenomenal experience,” said Willem Kymmell, an architect and professor of Construction Management at California State University – Chico. He attended the 2014 workshop. “It was apparent how much effort has gone into developing best practices in design-build over the last many years, and the fruits of that labor are becoming more and more apparent in the design and construction professions. Since the workshop, I have felt honored to be part of the design-build cause, helping the new generation of professionals move the industry into its next phase.”

The five-day workshop will be led by faculty from universities that already incorporate design-build into their curriculum. This way, educators learn from those who already guide and teach on both the process of incorporating design-build, as well as the value it brings to our future A/E/C industry leaders.

Taking place the week of August 10-14 at the University of Denver in Colorado, this program is limited in attendance and available to universities that can demonstrate a commitment to enhancing their curriculum to include design-build. Full scholarships are available for qualified faculty. The scholarship covers tuition, travel, lodging and meals. Qualified faculty refers to those teaching accredited baccalaureate programs that prepare graduates for entry-level success in the U.S. building industry. Funds are limited, so interested educators are encouraged to apply soon.

With design-build representing nearly 40 percent of all design and construction, universities have a real chance to make a significant difference in how our business will be conducted in the future. They will play a major role in moving design-build to the next level, as we have only scratched the surface when it comes to the potential of design-build and best value procurement. Our nation’s universities are filled with some of the most creative, most technologically savvy and collaborative problem solvers we have ever known. This is an opportunity to help expose these young professionals to design-build and its potential for problem solving.

DBIA has been a leader in defining, teaching and promoting best practices in design-build to industry professionals for over 20 years. It is now time to focus more heavily on influencing the education of the next generation of engineers, construction managers and architects at the university level.

The deadline to submit a scholarship application is Monday, June 15. Applicants will be notified of their application status no later than June 29.

Questions or comments should be directed to DBUniversity@dbia.org. For full details on the program and application criteria, please visit DBIA’s website.