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So Many Construction Jobs…So Few Workers

The labor shortage in the construction industry continues to impact companies large and small. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the construction sector has added 308,000 jobs over the year. US News reports:

“The labor shortage is so acute that 91 percent of more than 2,700 contractors, construction managers, builders and trade contractors surveyed in the latest Commercial Construction Index reported having a difficult or moderately difficult time finding skilled workers.”

Of course, the worker shortage isn’t unique to the construction industry and organizations like SkillsUSA have been working to improve America’s skilled workforce by providing students educational programs, events and competitions that support career and technical education (CTE) in the nation’s classrooms.

WorkingNation is a nonprofit campaign founded by venture capitalist Art Bilger to spread the word about our labor challenges and bring the country together to find solutions for a changing economy. This video offers an interesting glimpse into the work being done to educate and advocate on the need for real solutions to the skilled labor shortage in America.