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DBIA’s Response to Coronavirus (Updated)

coronavirus update

During this uncertain and anxiety-inducing time, DBIA continues to work to balance our mission with the safety of our members and attendees. We are monitoring COVID-19 advisories daily to inform our decisions impacting DBIA meetings, classes, conferences and other events. This post is being updated as information becomes available. 

See our answers to the most Frequently Asked Questions by DBIA members and event attendees.

Blog updated on March 16, 2020, 9:00 am EST

DBIA Working to Reschedule WWW/Transportation Conferences

DBIA, like many other membership organizations, continues to focus on the health and welfare of our members, customers and staff while also navigating the challenges associated with rescheduling events.  We understand, however, that our valuable customers cannot be kept in limbo forever. With that, DBIA is currently assessing a rescheduled date for our Design-Build in Transportation/Aviation and Design-Build for Water/Wastewater conferences. Until such time that we have investigated all options for rescheduling, we offer our registered attendees the following:

1) You may leave your registration intact with the understanding that if DBIA reschedules for a date that does not fit your schedule (or if DBIA must cancel this event), DBIA will issue you a full refund at that time with no cancellation fee.  If you choose this option, no action is required at this time.

2) You may request an immediate, full refund of your registration costs.  No cancellation fee will be assessed.  To cancel, simply respond to this email with the reason for your cancellation (i.e., travel ban, uneasiness, etc.) so that DBIA has a good sense of how COVID-19 will affect our many other national and local programs in the coming months.

We are making every effort to reach a final decision. DBIA leadership is working diligently to balance the care and concern for our members’, customers’ and staff’s well-being with the need to keep our industry moving forward and strong.  It’s a delicate balance that is difficult to navigate and we appreciate your ongoing patience and support.

Blog updated on March 12, 2020, 1:00 pm EST

March Classes Canceled

During this uncertain and anxiety-inducing time, DBIA continues to work to balance our mission with the safety of our members and attendees. We are monitoring COVID-19 advisories daily to inform our decisions impacting DBIA meetings, classes, conferences and other events. In an abundance of caution, we have canceled our classes through March. We will continue to monitor the situation and communicate with you regarding April classes.

While the overall risk of COVID-19 within the U.S. remains low according to the CDC, DBIA is committed to taking a thoughtful and proactive approach prioritizing the safety of our team and our attendees, helping to slow down the rate of transmission to reduce fatalities in the community and prevent hospital capacity overload.

If you are registered for an upcoming March class, you can transfer your registration to another date or receive a full refund. We are also working to reschedule these canceled courses. Impacted registrants will receive another email from our Education team with more details on your next steps.

If you have any other questions, please get in touch with our Education team.

Blog updated on March 6, 2020, 9:50 am EST

Statement from DBIA’s CEO

DBIA continues to monitor the situation related to the spread of COVID-19 and consider the safety and well-being of our members and meeting attendees a top priority. Absent federal travel restrictions and/or local, state, or regional decisions to close venues, DBIA has not canceled plans for the 2020 Design-Build for Water/Wastewater and Transportation/Aviation conferences.

  • The health risk of coronavirus for the general American public is considered low at this time, according to the latest summary from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
  • We remain in close contact with our conference venue and host hotels.
  • Our Dallas event partners remain vigilant and are following the recommended preventative public health procedures and protocols.
  • Please be assured we are implementing precautions to reduce the transfer of illnesses of all kinds.

If there are any changes to event schedules, we will provide timely information to registrants.  If you are a registered attendee already impacted by coronavirus, we will make every effort to accommodate a change in plans.

If you have any questions, please contact our Conferences team.

Lisa Washington, CAE
Executive Director/CEO