
We Asked Design-Builders: Will There Be An Infrastructure Deal?

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We Asked Design-Builders: Will There Be An Infrastructure Deal?



You’re Not Convinced

A poll of DBIA’s online communities on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn show design-builders are divided about the likelihood that President Trump and Congress will pass a significant infrastructure package this year.

There were an equal number of respondents on either end of the spectrum, with 25% saying there would “definitely” be an infrastructure package and 26% saying “no.” However, most of those polled (49%) were much warier; saying passage of new federal infrastructure investment was either “not likely” or “only possible.”

Our NEW DBIA poll asks design-builders and owners about their experience on small design-build projects.  Please take a moment and give us your thoughts on using design-build in small projects.

Your answers will be shared with the Design-Build Institute of America’s communities on LinkedIn, Facebook , and Twitter as well as reported in the next issue of our Integration Quarterly magazine.