
Where Were You In 1993?

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Where Were You In 1993?

We had to think about this question, how about you? Chances are, given the diversity of the design-build industry, answers could range from “I was barely born” to “I was at the height of my career” and everything in between. Here are a few events from 1993 that might help jog your memory about the year that was:


Bill Clinton was sworn-in as our 42nd President


Jurassic Park is released and becomes the highest-grossing film in the world (at the time)


The Got Milk? Ad campaign began and ran for 20 years

Got Milk_










Milk cost just $2.27 a gallon and gas was just $1.16 a gallon














The Coachella Music Festival began


Beanie Babies were born


So why the trip down memory lane, you may ask? It’s DBIA’s way of preparing you for a year-long celebration of our 25th Anniversary. The Design-Build Institute of America was created in October of 1993 with the hiring of Jeff Beard as its first executive director and the rest, as they say, is history. A history we’ll be celebrating with special events, programs and commemorations throughout our Silver Anniversary year!

Check out the Anniversary page on DBIA’s website for details on all the ways we’ll be celebrating 25 years of design-build history.