

Honoring the nation’s best design-build projects and leaders.

Project/Team Awards

DBIA’s National Project/Team awards are given annually to projects that exemplify the principles of Design-Build Done Right®. Entries compete for the following honors:

  • Design-Build Merit Award
  • Design-Build Awards of Excellence
  • Chairman’s Award
  • Project of the Year
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Leadership Awards

DBIA also honors individuals, agencies and owners with leadership awards:

  • Distinguished Design-Build Leadership Award
  • The Brunelleschi Lifetime Achievement Award
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2020 Project/Team Awards

Submit Your Project Today

The 2020 Design-Build Project/Team Awards competition is now open! The first step is to enter your project into the DBIA projects database to build the foundation for your 2020 award entry. DBIA is proud to celebrate the teams and projects that push the boundaries of possibility for design-build project design and construction.

Not sure you’re ready to compete? No worries. You can start the process today by entering your project in the DBIA Projects Database and return later to complete the awards section of your submission.

The deadline for awards submissions is May 20, 2020.

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Tips for 2020

What Makes a Winning Entry?

We know completing awards entries can be time-consuming, so we’ve created several tools to help streamline the process for our entrants. This small amount of research will help you prepare the most effective awards submission possible.

Once you submit your project to the database, you can then begin research on our awards process. Download the Awards Submissions guide for a preview of the types of questions to expect. Also watch our “How To” video including tips from DBIA jurors on how to avoid common mistakes and what jurors really expect to see in DBIA award-winning projects.

Submission Guideline

Project Award FAQs

Do we need to be a DBIA member to submit an award entry?

You do not need to be a member of DBIA to enter the competition. Many non-members have won awards in years past.

What makes a successful entry?

We’re glad you asked! Our suggestions are:

  1. Read the criteria carefully, and make sure you understand what is being asked. If you don’t understand something, contact awards@dbia.org with your question.
  2. Be specific and answer the questions that are asked.
  3. Show off how design-build facilitated innovation and creative problem-solving.
  4. Start EARLY. The competition asks for a great deal of information. You’ll want to have all of that information compiled, reviewed and ready for online entry before you begin. A number of questions will require responses that, because they have a restriction on the amount of text, should be well thought out in advance. Also, review for spelling and grammar to help assure that the summaries DBIA pulls from your entry will be coherent.
  5. Assemble a team — oftentimes, different people will be knowledgeable about different aspects of a project or have access to different materials.
  6. Have someone not on the team review the information once the entry is complete.

Involve your marketing professionals — they may have valuable input. Plus, if you win, they can use that award in their materials to help your company get additional projects!

Who should submit an entry? Can several firms on the design-build team enter?

We ask that only one entry for a project be submitted. Typically, the project is submitted by the lead design-builder, although others (including the project owner) can submit instead.

When are entries due?

The application must be submitted online through the online submission system by the deadline (traditionally the end of May) each year.  You may pay an additional $100 fee to extend the deadline by one week.

Is there a cost to enter?

The entry fee for DBIA Industry Partner (organizational) members is $475; for all others it is $775 to enter. We also offer an extended deadline for an additional $100 per project. Please refer to our list of IP members to see if your organization is a member of DBIA.

Can we submit our entry by mail?

No, the entry process is entirely online and thus, no mailed entries will be accepted. The online process ensures that all entries are judged from the same set of criteria and gives the jury a chance to review projects via the online system.

What are the awards given each year?

DBIA’s National Awards of Merit are the top projects — typically up to three — in each category. From the Awards of Merit, judges then choose the National Awards of Excellence (if one is worthy) which are the single best projects in each category.

Please note: All submitted projects are judged against a standard and not each other; therefore, the jury may decide not to award any of the Excellence Awards if it does not deem any project worthy.

There are also Best in Architectural Design, Best in Engineering Design, Best in Teaming and Best in Process awards, which honor projects that were outstanding on specific aspects of the project. Finally, there is the Project of the Year — the best of all the projects entered and chosen from the National Award of Excellence winners.

Can I enter a single project in more than one category?

No, each project can only be entered in one category. However, if the jury believes that a project belongs in a different category, they have the option of judging in that category instead. The jury also reserves the right to combine categories as necessary.

Can I enter a project more than once?

In short, yes. While you can only enter a project once in any given year, you can enter that same project in more than one year, if its completion date is within the given time. Numerous projects have won in the second year of their entry, usually because the submitter was able to create a more detailed entry the second time around.

What is the "given time" or time range of a project that can be submitted?

The project must be completed and owner-occupied or utilized after March 31, and no more than three years prior to the entry year (e.g. 2016 for 2019).

Can I enter more than one project?

You can enter as many projects as you’d like in any given year. However, each project will have to be entered separately, including separate entry fees.

The submission asks for a list of "team members" — what is it you're looking for?

We would like to be able to list all of the organizations that played a significant part in the project’s success. We list the team members on our website and publicize them in our magazine Integration Quarterly and in press releases. We ask that you please use the full, formal name of these organizations so that we can list them correctly and avoid having team members have their company names be incomplete or completely left off the list.

How do I know if a team member has the DBIA™ or Assoc. DBIA™ credential?

The list of Designated Design-Build Professionals — in alphabetical order — can be found here. It is updated as new people achieve their credentials.

This deadline is different than I thought. Why?

DBIA National’s deadline for award submissions may be different because you could be confusing it with a DBIA Regional Awards competition. Several of our regions have their own competitions for projects in their own geographic area. Please view our Regions page for more information.


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