
DBIA Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

DBIA™ and Associate DBIA™ Professionals are expected to adhere to high standards of honesty and integrity as outlined in the DBIA Code of Professional Conduct. This Code consists of a series of ethical rules to which all Designated DBIA Professionals are expected to adhere, followed by commentary intended to serve as additional guidelines. These rules and comments are detailed below.

The Code
Enforcement & Disciplinary Action


Designated Design-Build Professionals and Designated Associate Design-Build Professionals are expected to exhibit high standards of honesty and integrity. The design, construction, and ownership of buildings and other structures and improvements have a direct and vital impact on the quality of life for all people.

Within this DBIA Code of Professional Conduct (the “Code”), “Professionals” means both Designated Design-Build Professionals and Designated Associate Design-Build Professionals.

Professionals should endeavor to perform under a standard of professional behavior that adheres to the highest principles of ethical conduct. This Code addresses Professionals’ responsibilities to the public, clients and users of design-build services, co-workers and employees, those who perform, furnish, or provide design-build services, and competitors in the design-build marketplace.

Professionals affirm their endorsement of this Code and acknowledge their commitment to uphold its principles by obtaining and subsequently renewing DBIA certification. Nothing in this Code is intended to raise the legal standard of care of any person or entity above that which is established by law.

1. Don’t break the law

  1. Professionals will not knowingly violate the law or engage in conduct that they reasonably should know violates the law.
  2. Professionals will not knowingly assist another person in conduct that violates this Code.
  3. Professionals will comply with the legal and ethical requirements for all licensed services that they provide.


Professionals should conduct all business matters with integrity and be leaders of character and honor not only in their contractual obligations, but also in their words and actions.

Violations of law that constitute crimes or civil rights violations under state or federal law should not be considered violations of this Code until the Professional is found guilty or liable in a court of component jurisdiction, after all appeals are exhausted. Misdemeanors that do not involve either dishonesty or conduct that is in contravention of this Code, such as routine traffic tickets, should not be grounds for disciplinary action.

Professionals are expected to take applicable laws and regulations into account when performing design-build services. Professionals may rely on the advice of other qualified persons, lawyers, or consultants when interpreting such laws and regulations.

Professionals should avoid associating in business ventures with any person or firm that they believe is engaged in fraudulent or dishonest conduct.

Professionals should not take action, or make public statements, intended to unfairly harm the reputation or business of others.

Professionals having knowledge of any violation of this Code are encouraged to promptly report to appropriate professional or public authorities, which includes DBIA, and to cooperate with such authorities in furnishing such information or assistance as may be required.

2. Practice honesty and transparency in your work

  1. Professionals will conduct themselves honestly and not engage in fraud or communicate deliberately false or misleading statements of material fact.
  2. Professionals will not deliberately mislead or fail to disclose accurately and completely material facts requested in connection with:
  • A design-build project or pursuit;
  • An application for membership, designation, awards, or other benefits granted by DBIA; or
  • An application for professional or contractor license.


Honesty, candor, and transparency are critical components of this Code, and are mentioned intentionally in multiple Rules and Comments.

3. Avoid conflicts of interest

  1. If a material conflict of interest arises before or during the performance of design-build services, Professionals must disclose it promptly to those parties affected and take appropriate action to resolve the conflict. Such action may include removing the cause of the conflict or obtaining written consent from such parties to continue services in spite of the disclosed conflict. In the absence of appropriate resolution, Professionals will offer to withdraw from the conflict situation.
  2. When a Professional is retained by agreement of the parties to a design-build project to serve in the role of a neutral decision-maker, the Professional will conduct him or herself in a fair and impartial manner.
  3. Professionals making public statements on professional issues will disclose when they are being compensated for making such statements or when they have a material economic interest in the matter.
  4. Professionals will not solicit or accept compensation from contractors, design professionals, design-build teams, or suppliers in return for specifying or endorsing their proposals, products, or services, unless such relationship is disclosed.


As used in Rule 3.1, a material conflict of interest includes both a conflict: (i) identified by governing law; or (ii) where the Professional’s judgment could be affected by responsibilities or obligations owed to another project or person or by the Professional’s own interests, unless all those who rely on the Professional’s judgment consent after full disclosure.

Examples of neutral decision-making roles referred to in Rule 3.2 may include evaluating a party’s performance, approving or rejecting work, approving submittals, certifying pay applications, and rendering decisions on claims.

Professionals should be open and honest in their contractual relationships with others, informing owners and design-build teammates of any circumstances that could lead to a conflict of interest or the perception of a conflict of interest.

In determining the appropriate course of action to resolve a conflict, one may take into account whether withdrawal by the Professional would constitute a breach of contract or otherwise terminate a relationship that would cause the Professional or others to incur material harm.

4. Don’t give or accept bribes

  1. Professionals will neither offer nor make any payment or gift to a private or public employee, agent, or official with the intent of influencing that person’s judgment in connection with an existing or prospective project in which the Professional is interested.
  2. Professionals will not accept payments or gifts which are intended to influence their judgment in awarding contracts, making recommendations, or exercising independent opinions.


Nothing in this Code is intended to prohibit, when permitted by applicable law, campaign contributions or normal and customary hospitality or entertainment.

Professionals should be aware of and respect all regulatory restrictions or published policies of owners that restrict their ability to accept gifts, entertainment, or hospitality. Professionals should strive not to put owners or their employees, agents, or officials in awkward or illegal situations that might compromise that person’s job or reputation or create legal liability.

Professionals should not put financial, legal, or business pressure on an owner’s employees, consultants, or representatives for purposes of influencing such person’s decision-making to be based on inappropriate factors.

5. Represent yourself and your abilities and experiences honestly

  1. Professionals will accurately represent to a prospective or existing client, employer, or design-build teammate their qualifications, capabilities, and experience.
  2. Professionals will not intentionally mislead existing or prospective clients or design-build teammates about the results that can be achieved through the use of the Professionals’ services; nor will Professionals state that they can achieve results by means that violate applicable laws or this Code.
  3. Brochures, proposals, or other materials prepared or used by Professionals incident to the solicitation of business will not misrepresent material facts regarding such Professionals or their employers, employees, associates, or teammates.


The Section 5 rules encourage Professionals to be truthful, honest, and correct in presenting facts on qualifications, capabilities, and experience, including clarifying who did what at prior engagements/projects.

Rule 5.1 is meant to ensure that Professionals not undertake projects beyond their professional capacity. Professionals venturing into areas which require experience or training they do not possess may obtain that expertise by additional education, training, or through the engagement of persons, consultants, and teammates with the necessary expertise.

When engaged in a competitive procurement process, Professionals should always compete fairly.

Professionals are encouraged to give proper credit to the owner, designer(s), and contractor(s) of any project depicted in marketing materials or proposals so as not to mislead the public, a client, a potential client, or teammate as to the true source of the design and construction of a project for which the Professionals are taking credit.

6. Keep the bidding and selection process fair

  1. Professionals will conduct their bidding and procurement practices honestly and with fair dealing.
  2. Professionals will not enter into any agreement or conspiracy to engage in price fixing, bid rigging, or other anticompetitive conduct in violation of applicable law.
  3. Professionals who participate as a voting or recommending member of a selection process will not thereafter participate as a member of the team or party selected without proper disclosure and consent.
  4. A Professional will not participate on the selection committee for a design-build contract if the Professional is also employed by an offeror or competing design-build team involved in the project; nor when the Professional or any member of the Professional’s immediate family holds a position with an offeror or competing design-build team as an officer, director, member, trustee, partner, or the like; nor when the Professional owns or controls an interest in the competing entity.
  5. A Professional acting as owner or an owner’s consultant who conducts separate confidential discussions or interviews with competing design-build teams will treat each team fairly with respect to equal opportunity for discussion and clarification, and confidential information derived from proposals submitted by competing offerors will not be disclosed by such Professional to other competing offerors.


Professionals should not participate on more than one design-build team competing for the same contract without disclosure to all design-build teams on which the Professionals are involved.

Professionals should make selections and award contracts in compliance with criteria and procedures required by law and as set out in solicitation documents. No improper factors or criteria should be used in the evaluation and scoring of the design-build proposals.

Except when all competing design-build teams are notified otherwise, Professionals acting on behalf of project owners or users should only solicit proposals from design-build teams when the Professional reasonably expects to award a contract in response to proposals.

Professionals should clearly state any policies on conflicts of interest in the request for proposals issued to design-build teams or to owners’ consultants.

Professionals acting as consultants assisting an owner in preparing a request for proposals should not participate on a design-build team unless:

  • the owner gives informed consent; and
  • the participation is not otherwise prohibited by law.

Professionals who are permitted to substitute a member of the design-build team after submitting a proposal or being awarded a contract should replace the original team member with a person or entity equivalent to the original team member.

Where the design-build solicitation requires a simultaneous two-part submittal including a technical submission (qualifications and design) plus a cost proposal, Professionals acting as owner or owner’s consultant should ensure that the evaluation of the technical submission is not inappropriately influenced by the cost proposal so as to taint the evaluation of a proposer’s technical qualifications or design solutions.

7. Uphold your contractual obligations

  1. Professionals will carry out their contractual duties and services in a competent manner.
  2. Professionals will not materially alter the scope, quality, or objectives of a project from what is contractually required without the client’s knowledge and consent.
  3. Professionals will not distort or misrepresent the quality, level of completion, performance data, or other material facts regarding the work performed on a project.
  4. Professionals will not falsify financial records or applications for payment.
  5. Professionals will not improperly delay acceptance of work or services to deny financial benefit to which another person is lawfully entitled.


Professionals should endeavor to achieve and maintain the inherent advantages of design-build delivery: efficiency, single-point responsibility, economy, timeliness, and quality.

Professionals should make payments consistent with the terms of written contracts and applicable laws.

Parties to a design-build contract should cooperate in sharing information requested by other parties.

8. Protect the safety of workers and the public

  1. Professionals will refrain from conduct that jeopardizes the safety or health of any persons or the public.
  2. If, in the course of work on a project, a Professional becomes aware of conduct involving his or her employer, design-build teammate, consultant, or client, which the Professional knows violates applicable law, or which may, in the Professional’s judgment, materially and negatively affect the health or safety of the public in connection with the project, the Professional will:
    • advise against such conduct,
    • refuse to consent to the conduct, and
    • report the conduct to the project owner and other appropriate authorities,

unless the Professional is able to cause the matter to be satisfactorily resolved by other means.

9. Don’t violate confidentiality or intellectual property

  1. Professionals will uphold the confidentiality of the procurement process where required.
  2. Professionals will not utilize unique ideas, designs, concepts, or intellectual property from competing design-build teams or from other third parties without the express consent of the author or the competing team, unless such use is permitted by law.
  3. Professionals will not knowingly disclose confidential or proprietary information that would adversely affect their employer, client, or design-build teammate(s). Professionals will maintain this confidence, except with consent of the party who revealed such information, unless required by this Code or applicable law.


Professionals should safeguard the trust and confidentiality placed in them by their employers, offerors, clients, and design-build teammates.

In all instances, these rules permit a Professional to reveal confidential information when a failure to do so would be unlawful or contrary to another ethical or legal duty imposed by law.

Grounds for disciplinary action

The grounds for disciplinary action, as provided under this Code, are as follows:

  • Gross negligence or willful misconduct in the performance of services, or other unethical or unprofessional conduct, based upon demonstrable or serious violations of this Code.
  • Conviction of a Professional for a felony or other crime of moral turpitude under federal or state law in a matter related to the conduct of business.
  • Fraud or deliberate misrepresentation in the application or maintenance of DBIA membership, DBIA or other industry certification, or other professional recognition or credential.

Application of procedures

These Procedures shall apply to all complaints received about Professionals, whether initiated by another Professional, DBIA or its agents, or other third party. Actions taken under these Procedures do not constitute enforcement of the law, although referral to appropriate federal, state, or local government agencies may be made about a Professional’s conduct in appropriate situations. Individuals bringing complaints are not entitled to any relief or damages by virtue of this process, although they will receive notice of the actions taken. Complaints of a commercial nature, primarily involving claims of libel or slander, or primarily requesting judicial-type relief, may not be considered under these Procedures unless they also involve potential violations of this Code.

Development and administration of procedures

The DBIA National Board of Directors (the “National Board”) is responsible for the development and administration of these Procedures, however, the DBIA Certification Board (the “Certification Board”) is delegated authority to administer these Procedures on behalf of the National Board. The Certification Board is responsible for ensuring that these Procedures are implemented and followed. All National Board members, Certification Board members, DBIA staff, and other individuals engaged in investigations or decisions on behalf of DBIA with respect to any complaint under these Procedures are indemnified and shall be defended by DBIA against any liability arising from related activities to the extent permitted by law, provided such individuals act in good faith and with reasonable care, without gross negligence or willful misconduct, and do not breach any fiduciary duty owed to DBIA. No one who has any personal involvement in the alleged misconduct or any material conflict of interest shall be permitted to participate in the matter to be reviewed.


Complaints shall be made in writing and shall be signed by the person making the complaint (the “Complainant”). Forms for complaint shall be developed by the Certification Board and provided by DBIA on its website. The original complaint shall be filed with DBIA at its national headquarters. In addition, the Chair of the Certification Board (the “Chair”) may self-initiate an inquiry if circumstances warrant. Inquiries or submissions other than complaints may be handled by DBIA at its discretion. All such complaints, inquiries, or submissions relating to this Code are directed to the Chair. Upon receipt and preliminary review of any such submission, the Chair may conclude, in the Chair’s sole discretion, that the submission: (1) contains facially unreliable or insufficient information, or (2) is patently frivolous or trivial. In such cases, the Chair may determine that the submission does not constitute a potentially actionable complaint that would justify bringing it before the Certification Board for determination of whether there has been a violation of this Code. If so, such submission shall be disposed of by the Chair, and notice to the Complainant shall be provided by the Chair, if the Complainant is identified. All such preliminary dispositions by the Chair shall be reported to the Certification Board.

If a submission is deemed by the Chair on a preliminary basis to be a potentially actionable complaint, the Chair shall see that written notice is provided to the Professional whose conduct has been called into question, advising the Professional that an investigation is being initiated. The Chair also shall provide notice to the Complainant that the complaint is being reviewed by the Certification Board.

Review of Complaint

For each submission involving an alleged violation of this Code that the Chair believes is a potentially actionable complaint, the Chair shall authorize an investigation into its specific facts or circumstances to whatever extent is necessary in order to clarify, expand, or corroborate the information provided by the Complainant. The Chair shall first appoint a Review Subcommittee (the “Subcommittee”) of three or more persons (designating one as the Subcommittee Chair), from the Certification Board (who shall be members in good standing of DBIA), to conduct the investigation, make a determination as to whether charges against the Professional should be brought to the Certification Board, and formulate formal charges for the Certification Board, if warranted. The Subcommittee may be assisted in the conduct of its investigation by DBIA staff and/or legal counsel. The Subcommittee may review one or more such complaints as determined by the Chair of the Certification Board.

Both the individual submitting the complaint and the Professional who is the subject of the charge may be contacted by the Subcommittee for additional information with respect to the complaint. The time for providing such additional information shall be established by the Subcommittee, and the individuals shall be given not less than thirty (30) days to respond. The Subcommittee may, at its discretion, contact such other individuals who may have knowledge of the facts and circumstances surrounding the complaint. The Subcommittee shall initially determine whether it is appropriate to review the complaint under these Procedures, or whether the matter should be referred to another entity engaged in the administration of law. If the Subcommittee concludes that charges should be brought, it shall return to the Chair formal charges and the Subcommittee’s written report explaining the alleged aggrieved conduct and why such conduct constitutes grounds for disciplinary action under this Code. If no charges are brought, the Subcommittee shall notify the Professional and send a report of its determination to the Chair, who shall notify the National Board.

If the Subcommittee has recommended that formal charges be brought, the Subcommittee Chair shall notify the Professional to be charged and send the Professional a copy of the charges and the Subcommittee’s report. The Subcommittee Chair shall advise the Professional that an investigation will be conducted and that a hearing will be held, providing the Professional with the proposed date and time for such hearing. The Professional shall be advised that the Professional may request the opportunity to submit information or arguments contesting the charge in person and/or by writing, by submitting such request within thirty (30) days from receipt of the notice. The Professional shall also be advised that the Professional may have the right to review evidence to be presented at the hearing and that the Professional may be represented by counsel. The Professional shall be also be sent a copy of these Procedures. Any member of the Certification Board who participated on the Subcommittee may not otherwise be involved in the Certification Board deliberations with respect to the particular charges brought when that person served on the Subcommittee.

All investigations and deliberations of the Subcommittee and the Certification Board are to be conducted in confidence to the extent practical, except that the Subcommittee or the Certification Board shall be permitted to disclose any relevant information when compelled by a validly-issued subpoena, when otherwise required by law, or to parties essential to the review and investigation of the alleged aggrieved conduct. All written communications relating to the investigations and deliberations of the Subcommittee and the Certification Board should be sealed and marked “Personal and Confidential.” All investigations and deliberations of the Subcommittee and the Certification Board shall be conducted objectively, without prejudgment of any kind. An investigation may be directed toward any aspect of a complaint which is relevant or potentially relevant.

The Certification Board hearing may be held in person, or by telephone or video conference if the Professional does not request the opportunity to appear in person. The Chair shall preside and make evidentiary and other procedural rulings. If a hearing is held with the charged Professional present, the Chair shall, in his or her discretion, determine the rules of evidence and for oral presentations by the parties. Written statements may be accepted as evidence. If witnesses appear, they shall be subject to cross-examination. The Professional may be accompanied and represented by legal counsel. The Certification Board may obtain advice from DBIA legal counsel.

Determination of violation

Upon completion of its investigation and the hearing, the Certification Board shall determine by majority vote, upon a preponderance of the evidence, whether there has been a violation of this Code, and whether the Certification Board should impose sanctions. When the Certification Board finds a violation, it shall recommend imposition of an appropriate sanction. If the Certification Board so recommends, a written determination with a proposed sanction shall be prepared under the supervision of the Chair, and shall be presented by a representative of the Certification Board to the National Board, along with the record of the Certification Board’s investigation and deliberation. Written notice of the Certification Board’s determination, the proposed sanction(s), and the fact that the matter will be reviewed by the National Board, shall be provided to the charged Professional within fifteen (15) days of the Certification Board’s determination. If the Certification Board determines that a violation has not occurred, the complaint shall be dismissed with notice to the Professional, as well as to the Complainant with a summary report sent to the National Board.

If a violation is found and sanctions are recommended by the Certification Board, the Professional charged may submit a written statement to the Certification Board prior to its decision, but may not otherwise appear before or participate in the Certification Board’s deliberations. The Certification Board may accept, reject, or modify the Subcommittee’s determinations of a violation or the recommended sanction to be imposed. If the Certification Board agrees, based on a two-thirds majority vote, that a violation has occurred, then the determination and imposition of a sanction, as determined by the Certification Board based on a two-thirds majority vote, shall be promulgated by written notice to the Professional.

In certain circumstances, the Certification Board may consider a recommendation from the Subcommittee that the Professional in violation of this Code should be offered the opportunity to submit a written assurance that the conduct in question has been terminated and will not recur. The decision of the Subcommittee to make such a recommendation and of the Certification Board to accept it are within their respective discretionary powers. If such an offer is extended, the Professional at issue must submit the required written assurance within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of the offer, and the assurance must be submitted in terms that are acceptable to the Certification Board. If the Certification Board accepts the assurance, notice shall be given to the Professional.

Other legal action

If the parties to a complaint are involved in related litigation or arbitration, or when the Professional is the subject of disciplinary proceedings before any licensing board or governmental agency (collectively, “Legal Action”), the Certification Board shall defer any action on the complaint until the conclusion of such Legal Action. However, if the complaint is not withdrawn during such Legal Action, the Certification Board may upon conclusion of the Legal Action consider the outcome of such Legal Action as evidence for or against the Professional.

Disciplinary Actions

One or more of the following sanctions may be imposed by the Certification Board upon a Professional whose conduct the Certification Board has determined constitutes one or more of the Grounds for Disciplinary Action, as defined by this Code and set forth in these Procedures. The sanction applied must reasonably relate to the nature and severity of the violation, focusing on reformation of the conduct of the Professional and deterrence of the same or similar conduct by others. The sanctions include:

  • Written admonition or censure of the Professional.
  • Suspension of DBIA Professional Designation or Associate DBIA Professional Designation (for a period not to exceed five years). The Professional cannot re-apply until expiration of the period of suspension.
  • Permanent revocation of DBIA Professional Designation or Associate DBIA Professional Designation. Professional will not be eligible for reinstatement.

In cases where a Professional disciplined by termination/revocation of DBIA Professional Designation or Associate DBIA Professional Designation is also a member of the DBIA National Board, the DBIA National Board may request resignation of the National Board member voluntarily. If the National Board member does not agree to resign, the provisions of the DBIA Bylaws are to be followed, which will require a majority vote of the DBIA membership to cause removal from the National Board.

In cases where the Professional holds DBIA membership via his or her firm being a DBIA Industry Partner, the DBIA Certification Board will notify the Industry Partner of the disciplinary action, without affecting the Industry Partner status of such firm.

A withdrawal of the complaint by the Complainant, at any time prior to issuance of the Certification Board’s final decision, shall terminate all disciplinary proceedings against the Professional and the DBIA Certification Board shall close its file without issuing an opinion.


The Professional or the Complainant may appeal the decision of the Certification Board, including a dismissal of the complaint or any other disciplinary action, by submitting a written notice of appeal within 15 days of receipt of the Certification Board decision. Forms for appeal shall be developed by the Certification Board and provided by DBIA on its website. The notice of appeal shall be in writing, sent to the Chair of the National Board, with a copy to the Executive Director, and must state the reasons the decision should be overturned or modified. If a timely notice of appeal is not received within the time limits stated above, except for good cause shown, the appeal shall be rejected by the Executive Director and the case closed with no further action.

The Chair of the National Board (“National Chair”) shall appoint from the members of the National Board a three-member committee (“Appeal Committee”) within 14 days from receipt of a timely notice of appeal to review the appeal and make a recommendation. The Appeal Committee may request further written submissions from the Complainant and/or the Professional to explain their positions, limited to the facts and issues that were presented to the Certification Board. No new evidence may be submitted on appeal, which was not presented to the Certification Board in the underlying complaint hearing. In any event, the Appeal Committee shall submit its recommendation to the National Board, in writing, within 90 days from the National Board’s receipt of the notice of appeal.

The National Board shall review the Appeal Committee’s recommendation and decide the appeal at the next regularly scheduled National Board meeting which comes at least 14 days after receipt of the Appeal Committee’s recommendation. Any National Board member who has a conflict of interest with either party to the appeal shall not be a member of the Appeal Committee and shall withdraw from consideration of the appeal. The National Board will not consider facts or evidence not available to the Appeal Committee at the time the decision was made from which the appeal is taken.

After deliberations, the National Board shall, based on a majority vote, take one of the following actions on the appeal:

  • Approve and implement the Certification Board’s decision.
  • Modify the Certification Board’s decision.
  • Remand the case to the Certification Board for further action with instructions.

The National Board Chair shall communicate the decision on the appeal, in writing, to the Complainant and to the Professional. The decisions of the Certification Board, as such may be modified by the appeal process stated herein, are final and binding.


Disciplinary action at any level, including dismissal of a complaint, shall not be published by DBIA in any magazine or website and shall be communicated only to the Professional, the Subcommittee, the Certification Board, the National Board, the Executive Director, and the Complainant.


In the interests of fairness and justice, the Complainant and the Professional, as well as all members of the Certification Board, Appeal Committee, DBIA staff and National Board shall avoid public disclosure and discussion of the complaint, the parties involved, and the issues under consideration. The Complainant and Professional may each contact persons with knowledge of the matter, who are potential witnesses, or who might otherwise have information relevant to the allegations in the complaint or defenses to the same. The Certification Board, the National Board, and other persons representing DBIA shall keep the outcome of the complaint, including any disciplinary action confidential, except as required by law or these Procedures, unless the National Board decides that disclosure is in the best interests of DBIA.


If a Professional subject to a complaint voluntarily surrenders his/her DBIA Professional Designation at any time during the pendency of a complaint under these Procedures, the complaint shall be dismissed without any further action by the Subcommittee or the Certification Board or the National Board. The entire record shall be sealed and the Professional may not apply for certification by DBIA for five (5) years. However, the Certification Board shall authorize the Executive Director of DBIA to communicate the fact and date of resignation, and the fact and general nature of the complaint which was pending at the time of resignation, to or at the request of a government entity engaged in the administration of law. Similarly, in the event of such resignation, the Complainant shall be notified of the fact and date of the resignation and that the Certification Board has dismissed the complaint as a consequence.


During a period of suspension or revocation of DBIA Professional Designation or Associate DBIA Professional Designation, the former Professional shall not use the title “Designated Design-Build Professional,” “DBIA,” “Designated Associate Design-Build Professional,” “Associate DBIA,” or equivalent wording in connection with his or her name. When the suspension period is completed, such Professional shall re-apply to the DBIA Certification Board for permission to renew use of such title.

Improper use of DBIA Designation titles by persons who are not Professionals

The DBIA Board will refer to the DBIA Certification Board all complaints regarding individuals who are not Professionals, but are using the DBIA Professional Designation, such as by using the title “Designated Design-Build Professional,” “DBIA,” “Designated Associate Design- Build Professional,” “Associate DBIA,” or equivalent wording in connection with his or her name, or upon other documents. After review and majority vote of the DBIA Certification Board, the disciplinary action will be one of these actions:

  • Dismissal of the complaint (without any comment or opinion).
  • Dismissal of the complaint (with commentary by the Certification Board, for guidance of the individual involved).
  • Admonition or censure of the individual.

The Certification Board shall also determine whether the Complainant receives notification of the action taken. In cases where the DBIA member holds membership via his or her firm being an Industry Partner, the DBIA Certification Board will notify the Industry Partner of the disciplinary action, without affecting the Industry Partner status of such firm.


Understanding the New DBIA Code of Conduct

DBIA’s Code of Professional Conduct helps to ensure our industry meets the highest level of ethical conduct, professionalism and service. With the increased use of design-build project delivery and the increased recognition of DBIA™ certified professionals, the professional conduct of DBIA members and credential holders, is more important than ever.

While all DBIA members are encouraged and expected to adhere to the Code, those holding the DBIA™ and Assoc. DBIA™ credentials will be subject to enforcement of the Code and possible disciplinary action resulting from violations of the Code. This webinar is also required to receive DBIA credentials.

In this seminar you will:

  • Discuss the importance of a robust Code of Professional Conduct to the design-build profession.
  • Review the key elements of the Code of Professional Conduct including the rules, comments and enforcement.
  • Understand the basis for a complaint and/or appeal.
  • Discuss procedures by which credential holders will be required to attest to their agreement of the Code.
