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New York’s Disaster Declaration Also Means Broad Use of Design-Build

design-build crisis

The state of New York’s Disaster Emergency declaration grants additional powers while suspending some legal requirements to facilitate the State’s ability to respond more quickly to the COVID-19 outbreak. Since design-build authority in New York is limited by law, Governor Cuomo has lifted those restrictions to allow cities, counties and the state a speedier and more efficient response to potential emergency needs. The order reads:

“Section 112 of the State Finance to the extent necessary to add additional work, sites, and time to State contracts or to award emergency contracts … or design-build or best value contracts under and Part F of Chapter 60 of the Laws of 2015 and Part RRR of Chapter 59 of the Laws of 2017.”  

Design-build has been central to emergency responses of all kinds of disasters seen nationwide. The Design-Build Institute of America applauds New York’s efforts to ensure communities throughout the state have all the tools needed to respond to the COVID-19 crisis.

“Whether it’s rebuilding after natural disasters or building emergency facilities in the midst of a crisis, design-build allows teams to be nimble and deliver projects faster, at a lower cost with more opportunities to innovative creative solutions. When communities are in crisis, the last thing our leaders need is a sluggish response to the need to build and rebuild efficiently. Design-build is a vital tool for states as they prepare their emergency response to COVID-19.”…Lisa Washington, CAE, DBIA Executive Director/CEO

You can learn about Design-Build in Times of Crisis here.