
Renew Certification

You’ve worked hard to earn your DBIA Certification. Don’t let it lapse. Renew your certification today!

Don’t Let Your Certification Expire

All Designated Design-Build Professional™ credential holders must renew their certification every two years. This means that by December 31 of your two-year anniversary year, you must have accrued 24 hours of approved continuing education credit, which can be obtained through online learning or attending a DBIA Conference. For example, if you were certified in 2018, your renewal is due on December 31, 2020, no matter in which month you were certified.

Complete the Renewal Form
Code of Conduct

DBIA Professionals are Held to High Standards

Each renewal period, all credential holders must reaffirm their commitment to abide by, and uphold the principles of, the DBIA Code of Professional Conduct

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  • Renewal
  • How to Obtain Credit
  • Inactive Status
  • Retirement
  • Lapsed Certification

Renewal Form

All credential holders must submit the Certification Renewal Form.

Renewal Fees

DBIA Members: $50
Non-Members: $150

There are many different types of programs and activities that qualify for continuing education credit. This list is not all-inclusive, and other programs may qualify for credit if they are deemed by the Design-Build Certification Board to provide direct value to your success as a Design-Build Professional.

For a full listing of credit hour options, click here.

Conferences, Courses, Workshops, Webinars

Examples of these include:

  • DBIA conferences held at National, Regional and Local levels
  • DBIA education programs other than the core courses required to gain certification (held at National, Regional and Local levels)
  • Webinar options — Live and Recorded
  • Education provided by related industry organizations including (but not limited to) USBGC, AIA, AGC, ACE, etc. (maximum allowed from this area is 12 credit hours)*
  • In-house training programs offered by companies with structured education offerings (maximum allowed from this area is 12 credit hours)*

*When submitting credit obtained from organizations other than DBIA, please attach brief, supplemental information about the program. This can include a copy of the agenda, speaker bios and/or a copy of the program description. This information is necessary to demonstrate the program’s applicability to design-build project delivery.

Serving as an Instructor/Speaker

One (1) hour of continuing education will be awarded for each hour completed as an instructor or discussion leader to the extent that the activity/session contributed to the professional competence of the certified individual, which is determined by the Design-Build Certification Board.

In addition, credit may also be received for preparation time, based on two hours of prep for every hour of teaching. Credit may not be obtained for repeat presentations.

Maximum allowed from this area is 12 credit hours.

Serving in a DBIA Leadership Capacity

This includes:

  • DBIA National Board of Directors or Design-Build Certification Board (12 hours)
  • Region or Chapter Board (8 hours)
  • Primary author of a DBIA-published document (6 hours)
  • DBIA Awards Juror (6 hours)
  • DBIA National, Region or Chapter Committee Chair (4 hours)

Maximum allowed from this area is 12 credit hours.

DBIA Inactive Status provides DBIA® and Assoc. DBIA® credential holders a one-year period in which to meet their re-certification requirements. Inactive Status is available to credential holders who currently do not met their renewal requirements but do not wish to lose their certification status. During this Inactive Status, the DBIA® or Assoc. DBIA® MAY NOT BE USED. The deadline to apply for this status is December 1 of the year in which your renewal is due.

Complete the Inactive Status Application here

If you are a DBIA® or Assoc. DBIA® credential holder who has retired from design-build work in a professional capacity, you may request that “retired” status be designated on your certification records. Your certification will then be left in good standing and will not lapse or be deleted from your certification records. Retired credential holders are not required to collect or submit continuing education credits.

Apply for Retired Status

DBIA Retired Membership Form

Reinstatement of Lapsed Credentials (1 to 3 Years)

If you wish to become recertified after your certification has lapsed, you may be eligible for a reinstatement, which includes a reinstatement fee ($200 for DBIA members and $300 for non-members) and retaking — and passing — the certification exam.

Certification Reinstatement Request Form

Procedure for Reinstatement of Credential

1. Submit an Intent to Reinstate Credential Application to the DBIA Certification Department along with the reinstatement fee. You may email it to renewcertification@dbia.org or mail to:

DBIA — Attn: Certification
1331 Pennsylvania Ave NW, 4th floor
Washington, DC 20004

2. Submit Certification Exam Retake form for invoice, payment and Exam Code. (You will be provided this form after your Reinstate Credential Application is processed.) Upon receipt of the Certification Exam Retake form and payment, you will be issued a unique ID to schedule an exam sitting at a local Prometric testing center.

3. Upon passing the exam, you will be assigned a new certification number and a new certificate will be mailed to you.

Reinstatement of Lapsed Credential (More than 3 Years Ago)

If your certification has lapsed for more than three years, your file will be closed, and you will not be eligible to reinstate your credential. You must re-apply for a new credential and meet the requirements for the credential and all associated certification fees. Upon approval from the Certification Board and completion of the program requirements, you will receive certification and will be issued a new certification number.


Contact Valexia Hall at 202-682-0110.


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DBIA’s certified members are blazing trails as design-build leaders. Join us as we push the boundaries of possibility for project design and construction.

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